We fight Briarhearts trying to get to Mehrune’s Pommel Stone.
Shirley Curry
PO Box 2095
Rocky Mount, VA 24151
Grandma Shirley’s Corner blog:
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Artistcaleb: www.youtube.com/channel/UCVWuBIlfnI2M49A9Y8AKmig
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  1. I wish you could marry Kharjo in the game for I believe he would make amazing husband follower. Plus , you could sell your items to him without traveling to town when over weight and you will get special meal once a day from husband. Also , husband will give you money profit from his store.

  2. Make yourself a big note of this for me please: FAMILIARS ARE WOLVES, THEY ARE NOT USEFUL IN FIGHTS (I have told you this a couple of times, sorry if this comes out too aggressive! <3)
    Okay so, the enemy one hit killed it. The atronachs are more powerful and they last longer. The best conjured anything you have is your spectral assassin. If you need more fire power, use him. Even if he's going to be talking and talking endlessly over everyone.

  3. I've heard that if you pick a briarheart's pocket, their heart will be listed in their possessions, and if you take it, it will kill them. Never gotten a chance to try it, however.

  4. i love you!!!! i just turned 30 and i play video games ill play till day i die too bad my bday was just horrid you and other elders prove that gamming is for all ages and that so called rules by ignorsnt stupid people will never apply to any ones life but their own i am def subbing will u be my grandma lol all mine have passed one passed befor i was born the other when i was 9 and ur better then most snot nosed kids who play


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