Maude Garrett teams up with her ol’ pal Sam Bashor to reunite the best dang duo (during a specific time) that SourceFedNERD ever put up with. But… there’s one small difference. They’re not getting geeky (or freaky, sorry to sink that ship!), they’re answering your random questions in very random ways!

Editor’s note for 26:30: Messed up and searched “Marcey, France” instead of “Marseille, France”. Photo is actually of Mont Saint Michel in Normandy, France. Apologies! -Julia (editor)

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  1. HOLY Mole!!! I know the Griswolds!!! I've seen them 3 time in Denver now!!! I almost dropped my switch when you said The Griswolds!! By the way I always watch/listen to this podcast while I'm laying down before bed and am playing Stardew Valley on my Switch 🙂 love you guys!!!

  2. How the heck did it take me six, SIX, episodes to realize that you two switch places every episode?! I probably still wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't looked at the playlist on the channel page and really looked at the thumbnails.

  3. I'll save this video with a time tag starting at 32:10 the great stories plus the laughter will save any shitty day I am bound to have in the future. Merry Christmas and thanks for a great show wish you both all the best.

  4. Watching Nightmare Before Christmas as an adult for the first time is bad. It'd a boring boring boring movie. It's something I think you had to see as a kid. A few years ago my mom, brother and I sat down, turned it on, and half way through simultaneously said "can we turn this off?"

  5. I'm with you, Maude. Mushrooms are gross. I once thought I'd try raw mushrooms, thinking it'd taste better than cooked ones… it doesn't. They're all fungus that tastes how you'd expect fungus to taste. Blech.

  6. The Smaudecast has to be one of my most favorite things on Youtube. You two are my favorite host pairing and when the both of you get to laughing, it's just so pure and infectious it brightens my day and I cannot help but to laugh along with you. Thank you Sam and Maude for just being your awesome selves!

  7. (points mic) "Smaudecast"
    (points mic) "Smaudecast"
    (points mic) "Smaudecast"
    "It's great 'cause I just point the mic and you say…" Maude: "Mauz cah…" LMFAO that was the greatest ever. Okay not as great as Sam's, but damn close because of the others being perfect and then the one he points out specifically being the blooper LOL.


    ETA: Holy shit hearing you two just lose it laughing about farts just makes my whole life lmfao.

  8. Damn that do you feel like a unicorn when you might just be a horse really cuts deep… I am an amateur aspiring professional musician and I lately I struggle a lot with feeling like I’m just a horse or even sometimes an ass that thinks he’s a unicorn…


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