Of all the characters on Game of Thrones, Sansa Stark is among those who have changed the most. From watching her father get beheaded to becoming a prisoner in King’s Landing to suffering through an abusive marriage to Ramsay Bolton, her experiences have molded her into someone her younger self may not even recognize. Actor Sophie Turner, speaking to Screen Daily, was especially high on Sansa’s most recent role as the Lady of Winterfell in season 7:

She isn’t under anyone’s command anymore and that really allowed her to take on a leadership role. This is the first season where she felt like she had total ownership over what she stood for, and ownership somewhat over the North. It was really exciting to see her step into that role and own it, and I think she did a bloody brilliant job.

At the time this interview was given, Turner was “in the midst” of filming season 8. As best we can tell, she’s wrapped things up. The upshot is that she didn’t have much to say about what coming in the final six episodes, but plenty about Sansa’s journey to get there.

For example, she connected Sansa’s story — and the stories of a lot of the women on the show — to what’s happening with the #MeToo movement, where working women are coming forward and demanding that men in positions of power be held accountable for their behavior towards them.

It’s a really powerful message, the fact that she went through all of those things and she’s come out the other side. She’s used everything she’s learnt up until now to her benefit. She endured so much horror and really was a prisoner season-by-season. She took all of that, and now she has become stronger for it…It’s really interesting how all of these women who were subjected to a lot of horror and oppression are taking a stand against the people who have done this to them. I think that’s why I connected with the #MeToo movement so much. Not just because of being a woman and obviously being a feminist, but also that character.

Parts of Sansa’s journey — especially her wedding night with Ramsay in season 5 — have been heavily criticized. Turner defended the show at the time, saying that “[t]his sort of thing used to happen and continues to happen now.” The dialogue surrounding the sequence even inspired her to work with charities to help survivors of sexual abuse. A few years on, it sounds like she’s still proud of what Game of Thrones has accomplished. “Our role as filmmakers is to hold a mirror up to society,” she said. “At the same time, I think it’s very important to have that escapism. That’s why Game Of Thrones is such a wonderful show. It provides both of those things.”

In any case, Sansa’s story will finish in 2019, and even back when she gave this interview, Turner could sense it coming. “This character has given me so much and I’ve given so much of myself to her,” she said. “I love it dearly but it’s time to move on.” Turner has plenty of other projects lined up, including leading roles in X-Men movie Dark Phoenix and survival story Girl Who Fell From The Sky, but it will take Game of Thrones fans a long while to see her as anyone other than Sansa Stark.

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h/t Digital Spy



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