Game of Thrones is over, and all things considered, Sansa Stark got one of the happier endings, installed as Queen in the North while her siblings pursue their own destinies elsewhere.

HBO isn’t planning any sequels to the show, but it’s impossible not to wonder what might become of some of these characters down the line. Star Sophie Turner pontificated a bit on Sansa’s possible while while answering fan questions for Buzzfeed…and playing with puppies. Watch below:

“I hope…[Sansa] would live in harmony with all of the lords and ladies of the North,” Turner said. “And I would hope that she had a nice life, but somehow I doubt that.”

I would hope that she would live happily ever after, and I don’t think she would have another man in her life, because they haven’t treated her particularly well in the past. So I would like to think that she just runs the North on her own and eats good food and drinks good wine and just has a good time.

It’s true that Sansa has had abysmal luck with suiters, and we wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to forego a king during her reign. Although if HBO wanted to make a Sansa: Queen in the North movie 10 years from now, we’d be down for checking in on how things are going. Just saying.

Turner also compared Sansa to another powerful character she’s currently playing on the big screen: X-Men mutant Jean Grey. “Jean is very vulnerable and Sansa is incredibly strong and resilient,” Turner said. “So I would say I wish I was like Sansa but really I’m a bit more like Jean.”

I take a lot of inspiration from Sansa. Jean is more vulnerable and kind of finding her identity, and I think I relate to that.

Beyond this, Turner proves she has excellent taste in TV when she names Barry and Killing Eve as her favorite shows at the moment. The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry doesn’t sound like a bad read, either.

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