Sophie Turner makes extremely clear what she thinks of paparazzi taking pictures of her young daughter. “It’s disgusting and you do not have my permission.”

Sophie Turner gave birth to her daughter Willa last year. The Game of Thrones star was private about her pregnancy while it was happening, to the point where the public at large hadn’t even realized she’d given birth until months after it happened. Although Turner has released a few pics of herself while she was carrying Willa, she’s continued to be private about her family since Willa’s birth.

But as celebrities, both Turner and her husband Joe Jonas are of interest to the gossip industry. Just the other day, Turner woke up and posted a video to her Instagram Stories excoriating the paparazzi for taking pictures of her daughter and releasing them to the public.

“Yesterday, some paparazzi managed to get a picture of my daughter and I, and I just want to say that the reason that I am not posting pictures of my daughter and making sure that we can avoid paparazzi at all costs is because I explicitly do not want those photos out there,” Turner said. “She is my daughter. She did not ask for this life, to be photographed. It’s f**king creepy that grown old men [are] taking pictures of a baby without their permission.”

I’m sickened, I’m disgusted, and I’m respectfully asking everyone to stop following us around and stop trying to take pictures of our daughter, and especially printing them. It’s disgusting and you do not have my permission.

Somehow I doubt the paparazzi will be overly concerned that they don’t have permission from Turner to take photographs of her daughter, but I think it’s a good move for Turner to make her position clear. Who knows, maybe some will back off for fear of retaliation.

Sophie Turner’s next slated project is playing Princess Charlotte in the HBO Max animated series The Prince.

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h/t Digital Spy



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