Sophie Turner taunted about Sansa rape by Game of Thrones director Alex Graves, during Season 4. No one ever apologized for this. Sophie Turner interview with Entertainment Weekly, May 2015:
Wiki article for Alex Graves:



  1. OK here's the thing that some of you don't get if we validate someone making fun of rape in a fictional setting we validate people making fun of rape in a real setting. Not giving a shit about a thing just because oh it's a tv show isn't good enough and you know it. These actors are people. Just because something is fictional doesn't mean it doesn't bring up good valid points on our society and also show they depths of human depravity (Take the Hunger Games as an example. We would have never dreamed of making a rape joke at a characters expense) Seasons are written well in advance and since he was their ' favorite director' I have fairly little doubt in my mind this man knew they where making these changes. Thank you The Dragon Demands for actually caring that they turned this into an actual shit show because you inspire others to care.

  2. To everyone being like "rape jokes aren't bad", or "it's just dark comedy":
    "we never know if the guy cracking a rape joke really means it as “just a joke” or if he’s one of these undetected rapists who thinks he isn’t doing anything wrong while he sexually assaults someone. We never know if the guy cracking a rape joke is actually dangerous or not.
    And if the joker actually does fall into the “just a joke” category, there is a possibility that an undetected rapist hears the joke and feels validated in his atrocious criminal behavior".

    "Whenever a rape joke is made, there is an incredible and unfortunate likelihood that a survivor is hearing it and could be negatively affected."

    There's been studies that show, that while you may say "well, i would never rape someone, clearly i know it's wrong", if a rapist hears you say a rape joke, they will not think "they're just joking", they will think "hey, here's another person who thinks the same way as me, here's someone who also thinks it's normal to force someone to have sex, or at least they don't think rape is a big deal". Rapist feel validated. So everytime you make a rape joke, know that there's a high possibility that one. a victim has heard you and has been reminded of a traumatic even that has happened to them. and two. that maybe a rapist has heard you and has felt validated by you.
    Here's another read:

  3. Gotta be honest here, I love your rants and your investigative journalism but this is a story that seems half done. An investigation half-investigated. When was the Vale storyline dropped in relation to the comments? That's the lynch-pin to your allegations. Unless you can prove that the comments were made AFTER the change was already decided upon, then I remain unconvinced in either direction. You say in response to another comment that Sophie believed it was regarding the rape subplot specifically, is this from the original comments on it? If so, it's obvious she was blindsided in a most unprofessional way, but I want to know specifics about the timeline of events if I'm to spit venom at Graves for this. You show me a quote where Sophie says "I feel like I was being mocked and intentionally misled over this" and I am up in arms, but right now to me it just seems like she was blind-sided more than anything.

    Also, er….did you edit that wiki article?

  4. I can see why they did the Sansa rape plot, since there was a similar plot in the books with the Bolton's claiming they had Arya instead (though she was a fake.) Honestly I didn't think the change was all that bad since it got Sansa back into the main story, I don't think she even does anything after getting to the Vale yet so they just merged two characters.

  5. I thought this plot was hilarious. By the end of season 4 we see a new, mature, stronger sansa. Then the directors had a brain fart trying to figure out where to take her character. So they had her raped and be a prisoner for the next season lol

  6. Edit: Yes, it was inappropriate and disgusting, bordering if not transpassing harassment. I just nodded in agreement from most of the video. It just feels nice to know another person that recognize the problem and don't blame the women in this situatios. Yep, we got to that point.

  7. If I was Ramsay I would've ravaged sansas milky white stinky ass "oh no no no you stay here reek you watch as I plunder this funky pink little stark butthole smell the blood and poop as I plunge deeper and deeper inside her you've known sansa since she was a girl now watch her become a woman as shit and sperm and shit litter my floor on this our wedding night our blades are sharp reek you know all to well but this night my cock is hard and digging for sansas gold" -RAMSAY BOLTON-

  8. Did they just seriously wait for the moment Sophie was finally turning 18 and could do more sexually graphic scenes legally and plan this rape scene for it? I honestly want to know if that was part of the decision to abandon that plot and exploit a "barely legal." Jesus, I want to throw up.

  9. They made Ramsay Bolton too overtly out of control.
    They shouldn't have done the Rape storyline at all, but, if they had to have it, they should have let Sansa fall in love with a charming Ramsay; there could have been rumors about him- maybe even another woman coming to Sansa for help and being executed- that she didn't believe …not until she walked in on it for herself. And killed him.

  10. Another well done expose,

    Either way it's not a good look for D&D:

    Not knowing what they were going to do with characters as major as Sansa and Littlefinger until that late in production is an amateur move.

    If D&D did know but didn't communicate that to Graves than why was Graves the one holding such an important meeting with an important member of the cast?

    It's hard for people to realize how bad D&D suck because of the strength of the story and the talent of the cast and crew.

    To use a sports analogy: They win, but not by much and they're managing a Major League all-star team in the minors.

    They are taking walks and dropping bunts when 65 mph meatballs are being pitched to hall of fame home-run hitters.

    Peter Dinklage playing aDwD Tyrion going down the river was a meatball! Instead D&D decide to turn my favorite character into a stereotype frat-party keg midget that does nothing but drink, give consistently bad advise and lurk creepily outside the door of people having sex.

  11. Stellar video. I'm certainly interested to see where this goes, especially with the #MeToo movement getting so much traction. I would really like more evidence before we start accusing Alex Graves of being more than an inappropriate jerk but your observations of his known behavior certainly point to something far more sinister.

    Also, I really like the "investigative" feel of these types of videos and the way you make a claim and then follow up with evidence. I feel like evidence followed by claims is much weaker. Keep up the great content.

  12. Did Graves know about the Sansa rape scene in Season 5? He didn't come back after season 4, so perhaps he was speaking in ignorance as well. How did Graves know about Sansa's S5 story arc while S4 was being produced and aired? If he really was taunting Sophie, then that's really screwed up. I'm just wondering about the other side of the story before I pass judgement.

  13. I'm honestly so tired of Sofie Turner getting the amount of shit she gets for playing Sansa like she gets absolutely dragged for doing an honestly decent job with what she's given and I don't blame the actors for the storylines that D&D think are magically a good idea. Like I'm done with the idea of hating Sansa at all because of what they've done to this poor abused child in the show and I can't help but transfer my pity to Sofie for being given such shit to work with and as someone who was an actor you rely on your director and producer and for them to disrespect and disregard their cast like this is disgusting.

  14. Is there a reason that we are not holding the other cast members in some way accountable for talking or not talking about this? I know that some of them very rarely work together, but I am sure that the people around her must have known. How is it they never mention it, and does that make them guilty by association?

  15. The only "defense" I could see for this is either they were really planning on doing the love interest thing (and dropped it late in the writing so Alex Graves wasn't taunting or lying, and we know they've added or dropped stuff before really late) or he just wasn't in the know for the actual story (he might have just assumed they'd do the book version).

    That said I wouldn't see this as sexual harassment (but I'm a male so my viewpoint might not be as valid). I do think it's in very poor taste to make a comment like that if he knew it wasn't the case, lying like that is just unnecessary and mean-spirited.

  16. The treatment of sand sand the TV show is disgraceful they took a strong character in the books and turned her into a helpless rape victim but it again it isn't the only mistake that this fanfiction has made.

  17. Hollywood is full of sexual predation, it’s no wonder why so many of them talk about the patriarchy and toxic masculinity when the men they are surrounded by either perform or turn a blind eye to what’s going on.

  18. Clearly you strongly believe this to be wrong. I agree. That being said maybe D and D changed the script within the couple of months. We can't judge a person guilty unless a court of law finds them guilty. If your right about the man then he should step down. However we can't ruin his life and career based on insinuations and witch hunts.

  19. Really glad I found your channel. I posted a few times,… I’m one of the “series only” people who somewhere around season six started judging the storyline to become goofy. So I got on YouTube, discovered your channel, and a couple others, and discovered the “why“ of why the series got so bad.
    So I’ve begun reading the books. Almost through with book one. So far, it’s pretty faithful to the book, but you have stated that… I believe you said they were faithful up to season three?

    I have a question for you, that you have not addressed, or at least I don’t believe you have. I have not seen ALL of your vids yet. Do you have any insight into why HBO put two very inexperienced producers in charge of this? One channel I enjoy, has a picture of the characters of “dumb and dumber“ speaking of D&D.

    But they can’t be truly dumb. They have to be intelligent capable people to some degree.

    Anyway, thanks for this, your other videos-I hope you consume the rest of them within the next month-and I do appreciate your rigorous attention to this.

    Do you think D&D even care?

    (slightly edited for my ridiculous grammar auto/correct errors)

  20. Not really taunted about rape, taunted about being romantically linked to a loveless monster. Maybe the director wanted to get her hopes up to crush them for "method acting", or maybe it was just a joke for himself. I certainly do not care that a famous millionaire was the butt of a joke.

  21. if Harold is Robins Maternal cousin, and Sansa is Robins Maternal cousin, wouldn't that make Harold and Sansa first cousins? weren't Lysa And Catelyn the only female Tullys? But then if Harold is actually Robins Paternal Cousin, would That make him Harold Arryn?

  22. Of all the nonsensical or scummy things D&D and their goons did, this takes the cake for me.
    Forget the Battle of the bastards, forget Dorne and that fucking fellowship of the whight, this and how they similarly fucked over other characters and actors but especially here shows how rotten they are.

    „Well, once we had decided to drive drunk what choice did we have? You know, to make it dramatically satisfying.“


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