My buddies and I reacting to The Battle of the Bastards of Games of Thrones Season 6.



  1. Am I the only one who realise this but when Jin Snow was looking at Ramsey after the vale came, the giant was at the center of the fight, somehow he reached where Jon was and joined him in the siege of winterfell. Just pay close attention.

  2. Why doesn't anyone understand that if Rickon did zig-zag, it would take him twice as long to get to Jon? Besides, he's a boy who's being shot at with arrows – tactics won't really come to mind at those times. Ramsay is the most skilled archer in the entire series – he's choosing to miss to make a big game out of the whole thing. He would easily shoot Rickon, zig zag or not.

  3. You guys are great!  That was one of the best reactions I've seen!  The more intense things got, the closer you three leaned forward.  LOL!  Did you really call Wun Wun Liam Neeson?  If so, that's fucked up.  (But funny)  You're like the Three Amigos.

  4. Rickon is supposed to be around the age of 11 or so. His family were being murdered off and what not like 3-5 years prior. He has no military experience or anything. I think it's rather 'smart' in a sense that the show made him run straight as it portrays his innocence and inexperience and shows how fearful he was. He wasn't quite thinking about 'tactics', he was thinking he needs to hurry or he's dead. Run straight to Jon. The faster, the better.

  5. Ned Stark, Catelyn Stark, Robb Stark, Oberyn Martell, WUn Wun, Hodor and everyone that's died in the show is NOTHING compared to Rickons death 🙁 This was the saddest death I've seen and if one person should be brought back to life it's Rickon.

  6. LMFAO I love this reaction video cause it shows just how traumatized the audience is. The whole kill Ramsey scene you guys are gong no no he always has a don't look at Sansa… NO don't turn your back no! You guys are like having flashbacks to Oberyn vs Moutain. You guys also were freaking out when Jon was alone n front of the cavalry omg no, omg they're gonna kill him… again… goddamn it… it's like Game of Thrones fan PTSD.

  7. Ramsay fell for Sansa's plan, letting him think that they had only a small army even though she knew a lot of men would die, maybe even Jon but hey never do the expected, a lesson there for Jon Snow!!

  8. Why does everyone yell "zig-zag" at the screen? That's not realistic. Whilst one is in immediate peril, the instinct is to run as fast as you can, so as to gain as much distance from danger as possible. You most likely wouldn't think to zig and zag, because that slows you down. You'd have to be trained for it, otherwise, it most likely would never come to mind. You're just trying to flee as fast as you can. Also, this would have slowed him down, and given Ramsay even more time to correct his aim. Ramsay is Chris Kyle with a bow. Zigging and zagging wouldn't help him. Ramsay kept missing on purpose to lure Jon out further into the battlefield and in range of his archers. Then he killed Rickon, to goad Jon into charging. Brilliant.


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