IGN Editors discuss the packed Season 2 finale, “Valar Morghulis”, with huge events at Winterfell and more. Watch it then leave us a comment telling us what you thought of the finale!

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  1. @ES50678 yeah you're right. I'm pretty sure that in Storm of Swords Robb begins to lose his hold on the north and his bannermen, due to Tywin's victory at King's Landing and Theon's raid on Winterfell. Roose decides that sending Ramsay to take Winterfell back is a timely opportunity to claim the hold for himself and allow his bastard the enjoyment of torturing Theon. Robb is powerless to do anything as his forces are stretched while fighting battles in the Riverlands.

  2. How in seven fucking hells are they going to do Sam's story? Like WTF HBO, is ColdHands ganna ride up in that frey of White Walkers and save sam? If so then what will happen to Sam The Slayer, it is a HUGE part of the books that Sam kills a White Walker as it shows how to kill them and it has such a huge impact on his story arc, and more importantly Jon's and The Nights Watch story line…. wtf..

  3. I do believe it was actually Theon's men, it's been a long time since i read the second book but it was either Theon's men(STOP READING NOW, SPOILERS AHEAD) who then handed him over to Ramsay Snow or it was Ramsay himself as Robb is betrayed by Rose Bolton.

  4. This whole series; from the map that it shows you in the opening, to the white walkers that are invading, reminds me of a mixture of Dungeons and Dragons (4e) and World of Warcraft (Lich King). I could make a large list explaining why, but it's 2am and I am tired.

  5. They should be called Wights then. (that is what the re-animated people are called)
    I just don't like it, because by calling "them" zombies, people will start comparing the game of thrones to the walking dead. Which is also a show I like but they deal with completely different themes.

  6. well it seems the white walkers got some zombies with them … they resurect the dead if i remember right…. that s why at the end u see some white walkers with icy shard blades , and plenty lurking zombies around …

  7. true , its not clear , and they might keep this story .. maybe in season 3 ep 1 they gonna explain more about it … but if its really the northmen who did that, then that sounds like open rebellion and the end of the king of the north … cause i doubt i will be able to take care of all the problemes he has now, stronger than ever lanisters with the new alliance, no more stannis right now, marriage probleme, kingslayer gone and rebellion… f that , again the starks are gettin raped..

  8. I only explained what everyone SHOULD know at this point! The questions of "is Theon is alive or dead?" and "WHY THE FUCK did Robbs own men destroy Winterfell?" Are majer plot points I wont spoil for anybody!

  9. The show did a very bad job of showing who destroyed Winterfell! They did NOT make it clear that it was Robb Starks own 500 men that sacked Winterfell and killed all the men (and Iron born) and took the women! It could have been the most awsome cliffhanger ever but in stead, everyones like "Who burned Winterfell???"

  10. good question , i thought it was probalby the only weird part in the whole season yet… i didnt care much cause it looked cool and all . but i was like .. ok , but who did that ? the 20 guys running ? the northmen ? ? some other people ?…. it feels like it was a twist made by the tv show more than the books , cause i m pretty sure the winterfell thing is out of time … ( i m not saying it was not good to put it here , but i guess u end up with weird tails )

  11. sansa never left with the hound, stannis never got caught it was his own mean dragging him back in retreat, cersie hates tyrion so she had 1 of here gold cloaks cant remember his name try 2 kill him, theon's men dragged him back 2 the iron islands and lord bolton betrays the starks and burns winterfell. happy? lol


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