Hey guys! I put together a short video really quickly so I could talk about the Hall of Faces teaser for Season 6 that just dropped last night! I know people are going crazy about it, so I wanted to analyze it and share some thoughts and theories.


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  1. I think that maybe we might see Lady Stoneheart appear in Season 6! Well I'm hoping anyway. Here's why…

    I think that the TV show will now bring in some story lines that they skipped in the book in order to give George RR Martin time to write the next few books. I don’t think the show will be able to pass out the books too much. I think Jamie going to Dorne and Sansa going to the Boltons with Brianne following her, was just a way for the TV show to stall these characters so they could stall Lady Stoneheart. They want to stall Lady Stoneheart so that Jon’s death would be more shocking to the viewer and the resurrection more jaw-dropping. (Viewers could easily guess that he was defiantly not dead because Lady Stoneheart already came back). Once Jon is back from the dead, it then makes lady Stoneheart’s comeback more shocking and gruesome as she will be so much more decayed than Jon and her resurrection is more believable following Jon’s. Melisandra will bring back into the story her meeting with Beric Dondarrion to remind the viewer how to bring a body back from the dead. This conveniently reintroduces Beric Dondarrion back into the storyline.

    Ayria’s direwolf Nymeria is still wondering the riverlands and I can see Nymeria finding Beric Dondarion and has been with the Brotherhood without banners all this time. The direwolf can now find Catylns body in the river. I think now that Jamie is back from Dorne he will start to move up to the Riverlands. We know blackfish is coming back so Jamie will be sent to deal with him. Brianne is now free to go to the Riverlands in search of Sansa (She will assume Sansa has gone to her Uncle), so that sets it up so that her and Lady Stoneheart can meet and Brianne’s and Jamie’s story arc can continue….

  2. Jon's quote about the long night finishes when Tyrion's face is revealed. To me this signifies a link between Jon's warning of the long night and the main characters who are still alive. If Jon's warning is not taken seriously all the characters are in danger of being wiped out by the White Walkers.

  3. I think Catelyn's quote too showed us why she died in game of thrones ,cuz when u play the game u should only concentrate on the taking the throne ,she was with his son's rebellion against the king and the queen but she's only dwelled in the family vengeance ,as she said many times in the show"My son has no interest in taking the iron throne!" She's playing game of throne but her eyes weren't really on the prize .Robb's quote showed us that he was just a soldier who knew how to fight .

  4. What an amazing trailer. I think the last scene is just playing off the "who are we gonna kill next? Tune in and find out" buzz. I don't think it gets more complicated than that.

    If Lady Stoneheart appears I am gonna lose it!!! I think her appearance alone would make me forgive Dan & Dave for all their other folley's.

  5. Well the teaser is about Jon Snow. You see the dead first, then Jon talking about the dead rising, then you see the living. There's lots going on but the marketing of the show wants the viewers to think about Jon Snow. Lots of casual viewers think he is actually dead.

  6. The Jon Snow quote implies, if your theory stands, that his death was brought about because of his decisions in preparing for the long night, as in allowing the free folk passed the wall, putting aside the Night's Watch's personal wants for the better of the battles to come.


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