Episode 6 has leaked.

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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. The writing is suffering because there is no books to support the directors creative permiss. The books are awesome they where made solely by r.r martin. D&D where great at translating the books to screen. There arent any books to translate. If the books arent out before the show finishes i hope r.r martin doesnt get lazy and try to accentuate the shows plot.

  2. It was clearly a planed trap from the Night King: (he has pawers/ greenseer )

    1- They waited patently for the dragons to come
    2- The chains was prepared from before
    3- He has to aim to the flying one to guarantee one of them (it will fall in the water, and they cant burn him to stop him from turning)

  3. This guy don't like arya you must be bugging dude Arya is just disclosing this sansa bitch…I can't wait to see sansa dead..ed, rob, n all the starks are dead BeCause of her ignorant ass…I do not agree with u at all…again Arya is keeping that sansa on check sansa is scared of what Arya may do…if she didn't have anything to hide why would she go in aryas room n look thru her things even finds some faces in her bag…this guy sucks Arya rocks!!!

  4. If the army of the dead is so close to Eastwatch (Gendry ran back in how many hrs), then why is Dany and Jon headed to Kings Landing? Wouldn't Winterfell be overrun by the undead by the time they return?

  5. This was the best episode of thrones so far. You'd wanna be full retard to call it bad. Who gives a fuck how fast she got north, its not a reality show its fantasy drama for fuck sake. If ya don't like it don't watch it


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