Though HBO may have been hacked in this case, although some have said that an Indian distribution company is to blame, either way they clearly have a serious problem with security. Not only have at least 5 episodes been leaked in the past, the entire plot for season 7 leaked 9 months ago and now there is talk of the plot of season 8 being leaked. This episode leak was #1 trending on Twitter and was talked about on many major website’s​, the fact that I discuss it on my obscure channel has very little impact in the grand scheme of things. Lastly as an Asoiaf/Game of Thrones YouTuber who interacts with his audience on a regular basis, it is virtually impossible for me to avoid spoilers. As veiwers who do not have to maintain a channel, you have the luxury of being able to easily avoid spoilers. This episode was nearly completely spoiled for me today before I even watched it, simply by people tweeting me and making comments on both my Facebook page and my YouTube channel. As I said I will be preserving judgment until Sunday night. This is not a review merely me discussing generally what happened in the episode. And obviously there are spoilers in this video. Though I’m a little frustrated that HBO has allowed so many leaks to take place under their watch, I watched the episode being the Super Fan that I am.

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Just sharing my ideas one of my favorite book series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. This video may contain spoilers for those of you who are not up to date with the series. That goes for the HBO show and the books.

I’m just speculating and guessing on some ideas that I have on how future events will transpire in the series. Keep in mind however, I know nothing.

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  1. Though HBO may have been hacked in this case, although some have said that an Indian distribution company is to blame, either way they clearly have a serious problem with security. Not only have at least 5 episodes been leaked in the past, the entire plot for season 7 leaked 9 months ago and now there is talk of the plot of season 8 being leaked. This episode leak was #1 trending on Twitter and was talked about on many major website's​, the fact that I discuss it on my obscure channel has very little impact in the grand scheme of things. Lastly as an Asoiaf/Game of Thrones YouTuber who interacts with his audience on a regular basis, it is virtually impossible for me to avoid spoilers. As veiwers who do not have to maintain a channel, you have the luxury of being able to easily avoid spoilers. This episode was nearly completely spoiled for me today before I even watched it, simply by people tweeting me and making comments on both my Facebook page and my YouTube channel.

    – Quinn

  2. to ALL of you who bitch cry and complain about this that and the third.. theres a simple solution.. dont watch the fucking show !!! and im sure all of you can write better than D&D .. this show is fucking awesome.PERIOD .. and if you dont like it go watch jersey shore

  3. Is it me or has Bran and Arya kind of switched personas? Arya is a murdering assassin but it doesn't seem to have left something on her. And Bran being the three eyed raven he sees so much it makes sense he would become more traumatic but they should have showed him change. Because of that he just seems like an Emo jerk

  4. I think you're being a bit harsh with your criticism of HBO "allowing" hacks to happen. Hacks happen, man. When you have a show and general IP that has become as popular as GoT has, it's going to happen more often, because some people just can't wait for their fix. Other people just can't help but spoil shit because they're either being douchey (re: enjoying spoiling shit for others), generous (re: helping out the junkies who can't wait), or both.

    Obviously, you seem to fall into the category of those people who couldn't wait or you wouldn't have watched the episode. If anything, you should be thankful rather than critical or upset. But hey, that's just my take on it. BTW, I held off on watching the episode until tonight despite the fact that I could have watched it days ago after the leak happened.

  5. Dude…bcos I like u.
    I think you should erase this VDO.
    Some says FBI is on the hunt…. and may consequentially, block all those involved in spreading leaks, ban youtubers etc….
    So be careful!!!

  6. Most stupidest moment was when Daenerys move Drogon directly to the balista. If this movie was more realistic, she would have lost one dragon on this easy-battle.
    But i think it is not the stupid accident, the injury that drogo got will cause him not to take a part in general assault, where daenerys will lost one another dragon.

    *sorry for my bad english

  7. Yeah so here's the thing HBO is all but banned in my country or is super expensive to purchase so I thought id try Netflix 😊only to find they no longer show it 😑therefor my last resort was several streaming sites I used to watched other series on ….only to find a virus threat at every turn! 😲(game of thrones being so popular).
    Adding to my frustration are constant vid clips and articles about how great the last episode was blah blah blah!!😤

  8. I am so sick of people saying Daenerys is going mad for burning people. IT'S A FOOKING BATTLE PEOPLE. Those same soldiers that Drogon burned KILLED OLENNA TYRELL'S ARMY. Daenerys specifically did NOT attack King's Landing because to spare innocent people from getting killed. She chose to attack the very army that ransacked Highgarden. Heck even Davos joked that he wanted to switch sides after learning how Daenerys is loved by her people. I also loved that instead of hiding like a coward she chose to help Drogon and stood her ground as Jaime approached to attack her. At this point those that still hate Daenerys are either trolls or people who will hate Daenerys no matter what she does. As for Jon, the best strategy for him to gain Dany's support and not bend the knee is to marry her. Not necessarily for any romance but as a way to unite the North and South.

  9. Canadians get screwed over as far as HBO and this show goes. We can't get HBO Now unless we have an HBO Cable subscription. To get that subscription, we have to buy a whole movie network cable package (5 or 6 channels). And once we have bought that cable package, then HBO Now is FREE!! Why can't I just pay to subscribe to HBO Now and use it on my device or computer? I don't blame anyone for pirating it in Canada.

  10. Honestly there were a few too many bullshit scenes, Jaime and Bronn survived way too many inevitable kills, and I really felt like brain was going to kiss Meera and shed stay but nope, and I do feel the romance between Jon and Daenerys, but euron should've gotten the fist.

  11. Instead of blaming the content producers for security weaknesses, maybe it is time as content consumers, and you as one who invests time and resources creating original work about content producers intellectual property to take responsibility for the actions we have engaged in that encourage numerous thieves to spend countless hours attempting to break into what security is there. HBO, and their partners didn't leave the front door open. We all know that no matter how much a company or government may invest in data security, a determined effort by capable individuals will eventually succeed. I choose to live by the motto "What you permit, you promote". For my own morales I will choose to draw a line in spoilers between leaks, photos taken by adventurous photographers and other such "spoilers" as being within the acceptable level of hypocrisy. However this clearly stolen content is an abomination of a completely different order. Shame on you for not only viewing it, but for making a video about it. For this I will choose to no longer watch your videos about season 7 as my form of protest. I will not punish myself by denying myself the joy of watching your more book related material that is. Those videos are too good to get caught up in a petty disagreement over the moral acceptability of watching stolen intellectual property.

  12. What if the traitor was in fact THEON GREYJOY ?!?!?!?!
    After seeing this episode something came into my mind. When Theon arrives in dragonstone he looked SO suprised when they told him Daeerys was not here !
    Deanerys attack is the only attack that Theon was no aware of …
    Or maybe I need to stop watching this show and get a life 😅

  13. Does no one know how to pronounce Daenerys's name? I swear I've watched at least 500 videos talking about game of thrones and maybe one of them pronounced her name right. LIke wtf? She's one of the main characters and her name is said A LOT in the show, why can no one pronounce it?

  14. Best scene was when Tyrion watches his brother fighting "…flee you fu*king fool…" he said it was so touching to see the brotherly love 🙂 even though they were on different sides


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