Star Wars Episode 9 will be directed by JJ Abrams (The Force Awakens) and is scheduled for December 2019. What clues from The Last Jedi point to the possible story of the third part of the trilogy, and how has the studio changed the story since the loss of Carrie Fisher? Erik Voss explains all the details you need to know about Episode 9, things you missed in The Last Jedi, JJ Abrams storytelling style and his new working title for Episode 9. What will happen to Leia, and will Luke return as a Force Ghost?



SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON SUPPORTERS ( including these beautiful people:
Kelly Hopper
Kenny Smith
Matthew Salvas
Pony Stark
Wilhelmina Ebbeson
David Iaeger
Rose Bellandi
Eric Oliver
Chris Cole
Cole Callin
Chelsea Kerr
Holli Chandler
Edward Laau
TJ Smith
Stephen Bratcher
Lori Denning
Alan Fleming
Kristina Armstrong
Mike Kotselec
Anatasof Wirapraja
Theodora Hobson
Shawn Azman

Executive Creative Director: Filup Molina
Executive Producer: Jeben Berg
Post Production Supervisor: Devin Cleary



  1. It'd be funny that Lucasfilm mention that Carrie Fisher won't appear as General Leia Organa is a ruse and that she'll be like Commander Organa or something :p. I mean, why mention "as general Leia Organa"? Maybe it's just wishful thinking lol.

  2. I don't know, a case could easily be made that JJ Abrahams used the "mystery box" approach when doing Lost. However, Unlike most people I know, I enjoyed Lost, including it's ending (PS: No they were not dead all along). I personally believe that the end of Lost made sens and had many different layers of understanding depending on who is watching and what he believes….but I'm not sure that it's the right approach for Star Wars.

  3. 6:34 Hey, she will read ancient texts written in an obscure language and unknown alphabet/ideograms, put together on a distant planet thousands years before? How? She can't even read in the common! (no school, just scavenging) How? Just how will she read it all without a master that is gone? Oh wait… well…. Couldn't she swim?

  4. They've difinitively said they will not CGI. The easiest way to handle it would be an opening crawl like "After the loss of her husband and brother, General Organa (retires to X planet, leaves Poe in charge)"… Then they later receive word that she passed/was killed by an assassin looking for Ben Solo after Hux realizes he's the one who smoked Snoke etc etc

  5. I really hope Luke returns as a force ghost!!!!! And I know that obviously Leia can't physically return as a force-ghost is no cgi is being used, however, I want an impressionist to be hired in episode IX to impersonate Carrie Fisher so that Leia has a voiceover echoing through the force to one of the characters, maybe Rey, Poe, or Kylo. Almost like Obi-Wan had with Luke in ANH when he was about to blow up the death star.

  6. I think three death theories are possible:

    1. We see a ship flying through space in a preview to the opening crawl (yes I know we've never seen a Star Wars preview before but oh well) and then we see it get blown up by the first order, and then the scene immediately switches to Rey feeling it through the force and telling the resistance she felt death. Then the opening crawl pops up and mentions that the ship was Leia's and that she died.

    2. One of the characters tells the others that Leia died of grief and sadness over the deaths of her brother and husband and it was too overwhelming to bear.

    3. One of the characters tells the others that he/she has just visited Leia on her deathbed as she muttered her final words, and passed away peacefully due to old age and became one with the force.

  7. I think Leia’s death would be easy to explain. Couldn’t they just tell us that after Leia’s incident on the ship when the bridge got blown up, she suffered some internal bleeding and passed away peacefully a few days after the events of The Last Jedi?

  8. Here's my prediction with Leia and Star Wars…..Disney hates Georges Star Wars and wants to kill every bit of it they can… they will probably just do the stupid thing and put her death in the crawl, and they only decided to make the sequel films to kill off our childhood "best friends" to kill OUR childhoods.

  9. Ayy did any of u guys realize at the end of the last jedi with one of those poor kids actually used the force! They were all playing cards or something then they got yelled at to Clean so he went to grab his broom and it was brought to him


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