Star Wars Ep. 8 The Last Jedi is loaded with twists and surprises, with a pivotal scene between Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke presenting one of the biggest questions viewers had walking out of the movie.

Spoilers ahead!

Erik Voss explains the scene between Snoke, Kylo, and Ren on the Supremacy Star Destroyer, and why Kylo decided to slay his master. How is his decision parallel to the one made by his grandfather, Darth Vader, against Emperor Palpatine in Return of the Jedi? How does it connect to the theme of the film and Kylo’s character arc? What Force Awakens Easter Egg is in this scene?



SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PATREON SUPPORTERS ( including these beautiful people:
Kelly Hopper
Kenny Smith
Matthew Salvas
Pony Stark
Wilhelmina Ebbeson
David Iaeger
Rose Bellandi
Eric Oliver
Chris Cole
Cole Callin
Chelsea Kerr
Holli Chandler
Ebony Lay
Edward Laau
TJ Smith
Stephen Bratcher
Lori Denning
Alan Fleming
Kristina Armstrong
Mike Kotselec
Peter Choi
Chloe de Sordi
Anatasof Wirapraja
Theodora Hobson

Executive Creative Director: Filup Molina
Executive Producer: Jeben Berg
Post Production Supervisor: Devin Cleary



  1. Id say as of right now killing snoke only made kylo ren more of a villain. Especially where he is now supreme leader. In my opinion, him getting raging angry after his short battle with Luke Skywalker at the end of the film only made him stronger with the dark side of the force.

  2. People will strongly disagree but I think Kylo is going to pull a Darth Vader next movie (hopefully not die after his redemption though) I just want to believe he is confused and manipulated by snoke so with him out of the way I hope he becomes good.

  3. Snoke: I know Kylo's every thought.
    (Kylo betrays Snoke)
    The timing of Snoke's line about knowing Kylo's every thought right before he is betrayed has been done countless times before in more lighthearted/ comedic scenes in other movies. This is another example of the movie trying to be humorous/comical and falling flat due to the gravity of the scene. Last Jedi wasted another compelling character in order to get a cheap chuckle out of the audience.

    It LITERALLY Just occurred to me, as I Started writing this Comment…
    The "Person who loses a Hand in Just about Every SW Movie" person…. IT WAS SNOKE for this Movie…

  5. Too much comedy forced into the movie. Whoever directed rogue one needs to direct number 9. I liked some stuff in the movie but a lot of it didn’t even feel like Star Wars 😥. Anyone else feel this way?

  6. Admiral Ackbar should have lived and carried out the leadership when Leia was Mia and explained that the plan " Its a trap" and then shoot the ship at the destroyers….More of a fitting ending

  7. Hi there! Great , video. What are your thoughts on Ray fighting and defeating 3 pretorian guards with very little training. These guards are exeptionally skilled fighters that have been trained to face force sensitive beings. Seems highly unlikely that they would lose that matchup. Thanks!


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