Star Wars: The Last Jedi – Movie Review!










  1. This is the first negative review i actually respect..because whilst there were elements that jarred you…at least you could acknowledge when they got it right..they hit it out of the park…was it a perfect movie? No…but were there moments that grabbed you and took you back to a time when you was a kid and your whole mind was blow apart by the Magic you were seeing? Hell Yeah!

    I am going to my third screening today… lets see if i can hit 5 before christmas. He he

  2. Would’ve liked more out of Finn in the movie, felt like they had a great character and just didn’t really know what to do with him in this one. Other than that though really enjoyed the movie certain parts seemed kind of redundant or slow or just didn’t seem to quite fit but the characters were amazing and I’d give it an 8 or 9 out of 10. It was about what I expected from a Star Wars movie, not a perfect piece of cinema but a damn good piece.

  3. There quite a few moments that were just as cringey as attack of the clones. I mean, what was the awkward "may the force be…" moment by general leia and vice admiral holdo all about?! Felt like a bad star wars parody.

  4. I'd be interested to learn the age demographics and education levels of all these 'fans' who think this was an amazing movie. Yes the cinematography and special effects were amazing, but it's 2017, and with the 200 million budget they had, it better have been. People are upset because the plot has more holes than a Meth-heads face, and once again, you have to be pretty dumb to be like "oh thats pretty, yea its my fav now"

  5. As I suspected.  It looks like when Nerd Soup goes for the high-minded and cultured "we're better than the rest" review, their followers fall in lockstep, matching the interpretation.  Why, of course, all those negative reviews are from idiots.  You are MUCH smarter, aren't you?  

    Keep one bit of context in mind.  Nerd Soup decided to review The Force Awakens only a few days ago.  Wait, didn't that movie come out in….???  Sure it did.  But Nerd Soup's desire to make some ego points off the franchise didn't.  That began just a few days ago.  In the past, I've found Nerd Soup to produce wonderfully analytical content, and I truthfully never missed their Game of Thrones videos and podcasts.  But after this treatment of The Last Jedi, and the particular form of intellectual dishonesty in which they engaged, has left me with a bad taste.

    Again, for those of you who liked TLJ, this isn't about you being an idiot, or someone else being an idiot.  After all, many really bad movies are actually quite fun to watch.  And for those who hated it, it doesn't mean that Disney is ruining anyone's childhood on purpose.  Rather, it is in everyone's interest to accept that The Last Jedi is an objectively bad screenplay, and suffers from less than ideal execution of that script.

  6. Is it just me or is it super evident how rushed this movie was considering the atrocious lightsaber battles. What happened to Revenge of the Sith and that amazing choreography, I mean they only made this pile of average in a year and a half.

  7. 5.5/10 here. Agree with almost all of this. Loved the highs, like the beginning and ending, but seemed to have so much filler. Finn & Rose's side mission was easily my most disliked part of the film. Great call outs for Mark, Adam, and Daisy's acting – they were great!

  8. No questions or mysteries were solved, no characters were expanded on (Leia sure but that space superwoman shit was retarded), the Canto Bight thing reminded me more of Harry Potter than star wars, Phasma? Don't make me laugh. You killed THE Admiral Ackbar in such a bitch way he should have been in that womans place on the ship and went out like the true rebel hero that he was.

  9. We hate Nerd Soup! Lol. Jk.

    Thank you. It is so refreshing to see a review from people that don't fall over themselves to gravel at Disney feet. I considered myself to be pretty easy to entertained. But the movie really was disappointing

  10. Many brilliant moments in the film. The execution of the film was amazing. There were so many moving parts, so many themes, lose ends, people don't realize how difficult it is. Once again, Star Wars fans are the ones who hate and critique the movie to oblivion, despite the strong consensus of how good the movie was.

  11. Admiral Ackbar should've lived and taken the place of Holdo(purple haired lady)
    Ackbar should've been the one to sacrifice himself destroying the Empire fleet.
    Poe and Finn should've been gay and on an important mission that mattered(No ROSE!)
    There should've been longer training for Rey.
    There should've been Dark Side training for Kylo Ren.
    Luke never would've attempted to kill Kylo Ren as a boy unless Luke truly had turned to the dark side
    Poe should've have been next in charge if Ackbar wasn't around
    Why didn't Leia or Holdo trust Poe after entrusting him with the plans in the 1st movie?(Force Awakens)
    Snoke should not have died.
    Rey should've been turned to the Dark Side and then brought back to the light by Finn in the 3rd movie.
    No lightning powers from Yoda.
    Rian Johnson should've done reshoots and writing after Carrie Fisher died(have Leia die in space).
    No complete disregard for the Force Awakens set-up and hidden plot lines.
    Kylo Ren's obsession with Darth Vader and his helmet should've been addressed
    Luke shouldn't have died from over exerting himself from using illusion force powers.
    No stupid kid scene at the end of Last Jedi.
    Rey's visions from the Force Awakens should have been addressed.
    The Last Jedi movie seems like the writer(Rian Johnson) couldn't make up his mind about anything. Wishy Washy.


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