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  1. Here's my TOP 10 Star Wars The Last Jedi mythology questions after the end of the movie. Let me know if you have huge questions I didn't include in the video. Please use spoiler tags in the comments. I'll be doing more Last Jedi videos throughout the weekend! So leave all your requests!

  2. Question: If Snoke was able to toss Rey around and read her mind about everything, how did he then not know the exact location of Luke on the Island? And therefore hustle some ships out to bomb him? Also – how did Snoke not think to himself, “where would a Jedi like Luke hide all these years..hmmm..have we tried that island with the sacred Jedi texts??? Might be worth a shot?”

  3. 1. Why didn't the purple-haired lady ram her ship earlier, before seeing so many people being killed?
    2. The whole Snoke ship sloooooowly chasing the rebel ship plot was laughable, why didn't they just squish them?
    3. What was the point of the Rose-Finn mission?
    4. What's the point of having Rey in all this? Her background is meaningless, her powers and connection to the force is vague
    5. What was the point of Snoke's story? He was built to be so force-powerful, and dies pretty much like Darth Maul

  4. The Force is Daoism. Yin and Yang is Light and Dark. And stop with Rey's parents. They told us all that to have us stop. But all of you want her parents to be something more.

  5. I personally think younger people won't mind killing Luke off from the franchise as much as my age group will, he was my hero when I was a kid and he IS star wars to me and always will be

  6. Now between 2 full films, & despite her being billed as 1 of the main characters, we have what, 9 minutes of Phasma footage?
    i wonder if Jared Leto's looking at that & thinking "Well, at least the Joker & Niander Wallace got more than that."

  7. Spoilers*

    One question I have is when snoke
    says “I built the bridge between you both”. But at the end of the film after snokes ‘death’ they are still connected, so he’s either not dead or there’s another reason.


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