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  1. Here's my new Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer video. Let me know what you think about the cool way they cut the trailer implying Rey/Kylo Ren story arc. Posting more Star Wars later this week. The Flash Episode 1 video posting tomorrow 🙂

  2. in force awakened the overall story was a new hope with alittle empire strikes back so will this be empire with alittle jedi …..when snoke has rey do you think kylo will step up and call him out the way luke and vader did obviously not killing him but someone might lose a arm or 3 =0 . so if they follow that formula of hashing 2 of the movies plots together the third will be jedi with something new finally haha

  3. Just a question who here would rather see a star wars movie with Darth Vader as the main character during the purge and it is just him hunting down Jedi and trying to deal with the things he has done

  4. Why would Luke say he is scared. Didn't Yoda, his master say that fear is the path to the dark side? To me this is the biggest reveal of the trailer. Luke was always a shitty jedi and shitty character imo. Hopefully he goes full dark side by episode 9 and kylo and Rey join forces to stop him and snoke thus bringing balance. Kylo and Rey will both survive this trilogy and maybe start new orders. Then my children in ten years can go watch whatever new shitty themes Disney comes out with after this trilogy.

  5. It's funny how captain Phasma is in this. Plot wise I mean. She was the sole reason that the First Order lost in Ep7, because she put her life over the entire organization. Apparently, the First Order is very forgiving with this kind of behavior from its soldiers. Not like they are a complete totalitarian regime, but hey, captain Phasma merchandise I guess.

  6. Do you think we will find out about Snoke's background in that Rey confrontation? I kinda hope not, he is definitely more interesting since we do not know his true motives for becoming what he has become.


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