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  1. Here's my new Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer video and Luke Skywalker Lightsaber Breakdown. Let me know what you think about the Adam Driver Comments he made. I included everything in the video! Posting new Flash Season 4 and Batman next 🙂

  2. In the Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta if you had Reys The Last Jedi skin equipped then you may have noticed that her lightsaber has a different hilt that resembles Lukes/Obi-Wans lightsaber.

  3. Adam Driver was talking about Leia.If you read Bloodline by Claudia Gray,you'll understand.Leia was trying to hide away who she really was…The daughter of Darth Vader.

  4. Luke is technically Naboo royalty, I think he counts as a prince technically. If so his daughter would be a Princess. Also Obiwan is the king of awesome, so his daughter would probably be the Princess of awesome.

  5. Remember Leia is still a princess, all those from alderaan see her as their princess even without the planet. But Leia refuses to live like a princess and prefers people to call her general. The only one who still called her princess was Hans.

    But your right princess does not confirm any back story to Rey. If she is Leia's daughter, she would be see as a princess of Alderaan. If she is a Kenobi, Ben fell in love with Satine, Dutchess of Mandalore and her sister would have hidden her niece for her nieces protection or raised her as her own. Then could have hidden her great niece, many would assume her granddaughter, if something bad had happened to Mandalore with the first order. And last she could be considered a princess to the first order if she is the daughter/granddaughter of the emperor.

  6. Meh, I'm sure it will be a decent to good film. Rian is a good director. Tech crew on these films are always the best in the business. But as someone who grew up with the originals in the 80s, I'm getting more jaded the older I get and these new films mostly just kickstart my nostaligia and drive me back to watching the older stuff. Same thing happened with Blade Runner…had to rewatch the original immediately after 2049 because 2049 left me feeling a bit empty and cold whereas the ending with Roy Batty and his Tears in Rain is one of the most powerful scenes of all time for me and profoundly emotive.


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