“Game of Thrones” stars Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark), John Bradley (Samwell Tarly), Daniel Portman (Podrick Payne), Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth), and Rory McCann (Sandor ‘The Hound’ Clegane) reflect on which actors they miss seeing most on set.
Loras Tyrell, Margaery Tyrell and Olenna Tyrell for me </3
the hound sitting crossed legged is quite a sight
I'm the only one who still cries for the death of Grenn? I really got a crush on him. No, just me? OK.
Who did they not miss sean bean ? I'm dying here cause I miss him painfully
The only reason I clicked was cuz sam looked depressed in the thumbnail
aw, Daniel must be close friends with Finn, and Kristian in real life considering they don't have a lot of scenes with each other.
Yo why does Isaac always show up to events looking like he gonna drop the greatest TED talk of 2017
Puberty did not do bran justice lol
Th accents in real life make me think they went down to a Scottish pub and came back with a cast
Where is Kristian (hodor) from?
IMDb has a YouTube channel?
Bran was such cute boy and look at his big ass nose now..
I love how Isaac can't do an interview without mentioning Hodor, its so cute

They killed Stannis just to give his plotline to Jon. Dropped. I miss Barristan too.
I really miss Rose Leslie:(
The Hound: "Fuck the king!" Rory McCann: "Yo, on second thought…"
Isaac basically grew up on the guy's back, of course he'll miss working with him.
I love how the actor who plays Davos respects and understands the actor who plays Stannis as much as their character counterparts.
What about that other guy.
After having seen countless interviews of the cast this is legit the first time I have heard someone say "Stephen dillane"
Joffrey: I can't stand the wailing of a woman.
Tyrion: (slaps Joffrey).
Joffrey: Aaah~ (screaming like a wailing cunt).
Davos, still loyal to the end. His grace Stannis Baratheon is surely missed.
Anybody know what the background music is? Its pretty good.
Thumbs down just because IMDB is run by a bunch of cunts.
I miss the Night's watch boys so much
Do any of the GoT cast use their own accents? ANY OF THEM?
I love how all of they really care about the friends they lost in this seasons
The friendship always wins
Gosh, the actor who played Stannis was just so good at being Stannis, the Mannis! I still hate what the show did to his character. Ugh!
"Fuck the King But I miss him" – Sendor Clegane!
Doesn't ANYONE miss Sean Bean????

I knew Bran would say Hodor before I even started the video.
lol its not like they died in real, wtf is this music.
If it's anyway longer these tears of mine will become river. I miss The Tyrells and The dead Starks.( also Joffrey) + The music sounds melancholic.
Jesus Bran looks like a lesbian!!
Fuck, i miss Grenn, wish he was still alive to help Jon fight in the Great war.
Rory McCann is so attractive. He's so manly. What a hunk!
Its amazing how many of the cast are actually Scottish.
1:51 How in the seven hells did The Hound listen to that noise Joffrey makes and keep a straight face? Could. Not. Stop. Laughing.
Joffrey gets slapped always brings a smile to my face
Stannis the mannis is not dead he will return
The background music and tributes make it sound like they're dead…lol.
rip Gren aka if Asher Forrester was real
Olenna, Marge, Robb, Cat