Stranger Things 2 – Season Review

The Soup Gang reviews the second season of the hit series Stranger Things!










  1. You telling me โ€œSamwise the braveโ€ the man who defeated Shelob and carried Frodo up mount doom to destroy the ring of power got killed by the offspring of a puppy and a Venus fly trap?? Lame!

  2. I like season 1 more, the story and mystery were so new, I was enthralled. Eleven technically is the name given to her by her abuser/kidnappers. It would make sense if she wants to be called Jane as a way of reclaiming what Hawkins lab stole from her. I agree with you regarding Dustin. Season 1 Dustin would have killed that polywog, I was yelling at season 2 Dustin for being a f-ing moron. I also agree re Steve. Heโ€™s more interesting than Jonathan and has had the best arc. I like watching your channel, mostly because i agree with a lot of what youโ€™re saying.

  3. You guys are being so nitpicky.
    Who cares who has top billing?
    There was nothing out of character for Dustin.
    This season was just as good as the first because of the continuation of the story.
    I swear you guys are becoming snobbish, hipster commentators.

  4. I don't understand why no one sees that Eight along with the biggest episode she was in was, I think, all about finding someone who can eventually cure Eleven's mother. There's a part where it's revealed that Eight cured her crew of outcasts of their mental disorders and in their gratitude, they decided to help her accomplish her goal of killing all those who harmed her in Hawkin's Lab. If she can cure them, she probably can cure Eleven's mother, too. People keep saying they hate Eight and her main episode. But she could be pivotal to helping Eleven, in the next season. Also, perhaps they are more powerful together than apart. This was even hinted at in Episode seven. This could be used against an antagonist like The Shadow Monster/Mind Flayer, in the future. Also, people say that Eight's crew were caricatures and the episode was too derivative from the rest of season 2. But perhaps, these characters will be developed more next season and will play more of a role in the plot, then. I think people are being way too impatient and unimaginative, when it comes to this. There's more to Eight than meets the eye. Also, I love Dart and Dustin's relationship (Dart was so quirkily adorable as a baby). He's no different from any other apex predator, in the wild. He's not 'evil' just a carnivore.

  5. The last two eps are amazing and the season had things I liked. But S1 was better. S2 had all the characters too split up. I mean you see Mike less than Bob, Dustin spends more time w/Steve than the party, and Eleven is alone most of the season.

  6. Season 2 sucked for me. Things just happened with no explanation, there was no character development, deus ex machinas all over the place, inconsistencies everywhere, more cliches and stale/obvious "twists" than one could count, etc. If it wasnt for the great music and setting I would have just turned it off midway.

  7. The whole point for Mike's arc is that he wasn't able to adapt at all. A big part of him was stuck in the upside down – locked up basically, when he so brutally lost Eleven (for him she was basically dead even though he deluded himself every night into radioing her in).

    And it's a super relatable affect for someone young and grieving over a friend. He wasn't able to engage in the real world as fully and therefore wasn't able to reprise his role as leader of the group. Instead he sulked and also took on a kind of caretaker role for Will he was the only friend really paying attention to that aspect of the group – especially since he wasn't able to take care of El and couldn't stand to lose another friend you could see his desperation plainly.

    In summary, the way Mike took a step back in the second season was a well thought out decision that reflected on his emotional wellbeing/state of mind.

  8. Bob and Max got a huge disservice. Bob got killed off to get Joyce and Hopper together. Max got thrown into a forced relationship with Lucas.

    My issue is that there are only three times Max and Lucas talked to each other, and you expect me to think she's head over heels for him and the love triangle is resolved? Add to them crapping all over Dustin's character over the season and at the end, and it just leaves this bad taste in my mouth. Max deserved better as a character than the rushed relationship she was thrown into. I expected her to become part of the group through the crisis by showing how badass she is and not be rejected by just about everyone BUT the only person who wants to get in her pants.

    Bob, is self explanatory. There was no need to introduce him just to be killed off.

  9. I think the point of max and Billy was to show how scary domestic abuse is, that's it's just at terrifying and life altering as crazy SciFi monsters.
    Love max forever SO mad el didn't end up being friendly towards her

  10. LOVED The Conspiracy Dude!!! Need him in next season too!!! He was the comedy character ๐Ÿ˜‚. And I understood why they wanted to expose Hawkins Lab – who would trust them again?? But I was glad Paul Reiser (New Dr.) was a good guy. Still was Hawkins Lab fault for all this shit lol

  11. The 80s ROCKED!!! There was no social media to allow the viciousness people feel free to puke on some poor kid. There were parties (and Bush parties ๐Ÿ˜ˆ) where dancing was cool and we would PHYSICALLY hang out and do shit – not just snapchat or skype. Being a teenager in the 80s was Awesome! I'm so glad I got to experience it!!

  12. I felt the change in the dynamic of the boys was perfect. They're tweens and a new girl shows up & distracts two of them is appropriate. As for Mike's leadership role, he alludes to it when he gets pissed off that no one "checked" with him if Mad Max could join. And he was a downer to the group coz he was pining for Eleven so much. I loved it! And I loved Joyce finding Samwise – I mean Bob – as a sweet, caring and loyal boyfriend, too.
    K I'll continue your review – Love your channel and SO glad you're reviewing Stranger Things 2!!!

  13. That was a great review, and it summed up everything I liked and disliked about Season 2 nicely. It was definitely weaker than Season 1. The first half was fantastic; but by the time we got a repeat episode of 'Arts & Crafts with Joyce Byers', I felt like the writers were struggling. They were revisiting the only time in Season 1 that Winona Ryder's character was vaguely interesting, and the entire season became predictable as it followed the same basic structure, with most of the characters repeating their S.1 story-arc.

    The 'mom & lost sister' tangent, with the latter's insane rampage & her gang of multicultural thugs, was just ridiculous. The cliched assortment of psychotic punk-rockers were caricatures, not characters, and why they would follow this hallucination-inducing serial killer on her personal vendetta was never explored. Okay, they're outcasts… but that doesn't explain why they're fine with a murder spree. If Kali was explicitly controlling and manipulating their perception of reality in order to create soldiers, and/or using her powers to control dopamine/seratonin levels, mimicking heroin & creating a powerful dependency, that would have been an interesting touch… making Kali a cult leader whose presence is accompanied by an opioid euphoria, and whose absence would create withdrawal symptoms identical to opioid addiction.

    And what was the point of Billy? Why did that character even exist? Almost all the problems with the second season had to do with taking what was already a large ensemble cast, and inflating it to nearly double, with characters who didn't really need to be there. By the final act, the scene where the Byers kitchen is stuffed with a dozen or so people, discussing the demo-dogs and the mind flayer… it just felt strained & dumb. Everyone was blindly accepting all this insane bullshit, and all the feeling of wonder & excitement was gone. It was just a bunch of actors looking uncomfortable as they blathered on about some ridiculous plan. The first five or so episodes were great – a solid 8.5 – but judging the entire season, the last 3 episodes drag it down to a 7.5… Season 1: 9.0.


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