Stranger Things star David Harbour (Sheriff Hopper) marries singer Lily Allen (sister of Alfie “Theon Greyjoy” Allen) in a quick fun Vegas ceremony. Check out the pictures!

Between a pandemic, civil unrest and a US state literally on fire, we all know 2020 isn’t going super well. Why not take a quick break and enjoy these shots of Stranger Things star David Harbour (Sheriff Hopper) getting married to pop star Lily Allen in Las Vegas this past weekend?

That pink-white Jackie O-looking number Allen is wearing is officially the chicest wedding dress I’ve ever seen, for what it’s worth…which isn’t much:

Fun side note: there’s a chance that Game of Thrones star Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy) was at the wedding, since he’s Lily’s brother, although I don’t see him in any of the pictures. Lily even wrote a song about him once, about how he was such a lazy do-nothing when he was younger. It’s called “Alfie.”

He got better.

Anyway, Harbour capped off the happy occasion with a couple of pictures and a caption that capture the surreal feeling of this wedding in this moment in time:

In a wedding officiated by the king himself, the people’s princess wed her devoted, low born, but kind credit card holder in a beautiful ceremony lit by the ashen skies courtesy of a burning state miles away in the midst of a global pandemic.

Refreshments were served at a small reception following.

Hey, weird happiness is still happiness.

We’ll be able to see Harbour in the fourth season of Stranger Things sooner or later — hopefully next year — although production on that show has been affected by the aforementioned global pandemic, and the California wildfires can’t be helping, either. Until then, this is a fun stop-gap.

Next: Game of Thrones cast and crew members honor Diana Rigg

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