Do you have what it takes to save the ancient city of Strathmore? Can you stop the mad King Nefarian from freezing time and dooming existence?

In this highly-themed coaster experience, YOU, the rider, take part in an epic quest through Strathmore-of-the-past in an effort to stop time from freezing.

***STORY (Don’t worry, you can scroll past this, it won’t hurt my feelings)***

“Several weeks ago, King Nefarian recovered a powerful magical artifact from the depths of a Timewraith’s tomb. Ever since he brought the artifact back to the castle, hes been changing–losing his touch on reality. Well, that was until two days ago when he took the artifact up to the ruined cathedral behind the castle. Apparently, the artifact was actually a Chronogom–a relic that can open rifts in time; portals that one can use to travel from one time to another. Upon learning this, the King used the Chronogom to open a rift and has been missing ever since. The rift also allows the King to manipulate the anima mundi–the world soul–and change the behavior of matter itself.

“The problem here is that as soon as the rift opened, our would began to just… freeze. Literally freeze. It’s the beginning of summer, the flowers are in bloom, and we have snow falling from the clouds and water so cold it could kill you.

“Chronogom rifts are known to be wildly unstable, deteriorating away the world in which they are opened. We need to close this rift, and quickly. Unfortunately, only the King, the wielder of the Chronogom, is able to close the rift. So we needed to devise a new plan…

“We need YOU to use the rift to travel into the past one week, to before the King opened the rift. Then, while altering as little of the past as possible, you must break into the castle and STEAL the Chronogom from deep within the dungeons. Take it and hide it somewhere the King can never find it [ominous music here, could there be a sequel? Oo who knows??].

“Though beware, for if the King is jumping through time too, he may try to stop you… and he’s quite fond of wildfire.

“Alright, it’s time. Head up to the ruins behind the castle. Our royal commander will meet you there and brief you on your mission.”



For this roller coaster, I decided to go all out and create a small cinematic film that tells the story behind the coaster. The story is an integral part of the coaster’s composition, so I think having the backstory is important and improves the coaster experience.

The layout is designed to both tell a story throughout its duration (thus the dark ride portion), while still being an incredibly intense, high-thrill terrain coaster. One of the restraints I gave myself when designing the ride and its scenery was not to allow the coaster to be openly exposed very often. You’ll notice the track is almost always only a few feet off of the ground, or off of a scenery object. I wanted the coaster to be difficult to spot and to meld into its surroundings. The coaster’s layout is broken into four distinct parts:

1. Sneaking Into the City & Castle
2. The Castle Interior
3. The Chase
4. The Finale

The ride itself is of a custom manufacturer.


Manufacturer: Mr. B
Length: 10,750 ft.
Height: 216 ft.
Drop: 210 ft.
Inversions: 8 – no two are the same type of inversion.
Speed: 85 mph

Cost: $3 – $5 billion depending on site quality

***SONGS (The best part)***

All songs are from the Game of Thones soundtrack by the amazing Ramin Djawadi:

1. King of the North
2. Light of the Seven
3. Chaos is a Ladder
4. The Rains of Castamere (played in reverse)
5. Spoils of War, Pt. 1
6. Let’s Play a Game
7. Dance of Dragons


– All of the rocks/cliff faces – Flux
– Various trees, flowers, & shrubs – Mike Sheets / n7
– The scripted/animated fire – Bestdani
– Triggered Lights – Bestdani
– Object Animator/Script Generator – Yedrimas
– Custom Scripted Camera – Jetpulse
– Several Scenery Objects from the 3d Warehouse
– Special Sound Effects from various users at
– Textures from (many I actually paid for)
– Skybox – AllSky Skybox on the Unity Asset store (Paid for)
– The Daenerys Painting – MadMouse Design (according to Reddit)
– And a special shoutout to all of the people who gave me input along the way



  1. nicely done, alex! couple concise comments since they're worth mentioning:

    track's crafted well and had good pacing. it might have been a little on the longer side and overindulgent, but the last drop was worth it. the way you staged the two tower heads at the end made the experience more compelling.

    also really enjoyed in the indoor moments as others mentioned, you beefed them up with an appropriate selection of visual and sound effects. the upside down church is rad, definitely on par with the indiana jones boulder scene.

    I think your texturing could have used more variety since you have such an expansive environment, all your structures start to look a little homogenous but you were able to make up for it with a great deal of spatial variety of vistas, compressed and open spaces. it's a nice rhythm altogether.

    great work to be proud of, take a breather!

  2. GOOD GOD that is incredible! You manage to surpass yourself every single time with these things. Definitely deserving of the top spot, and one could even make a good argument for calling this the all-time best project in NL! Kudos!

  3. The scenery looks like a fully fleshed out video game map that just happens to have a coaster in it. Should be fun to explore. This makes Gaia seem like a vanilla coaster on flat terrain with little to no scenery.


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