HIGHLY Recommend This Movie – Sully

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  1. What a huge heart you have, Kev. It’s so refreshing to see a man who’s not afraid to share his feelings. Thank you for open spirit. And, thank you for another holiday movie recommendation. For the 20th time, have a wonderful Christmas!! Here’s to a fantastic 2018!!

  2. This movie was fantastic, I cried as well, and I don't cry at all, almost never. Btw, SPOILERS

    I don't understand why Sully was being criticized by the company, he saved lives the best way he could have.
    Also, damn pigeons

  3. Aw <3 emotional, Its kind of remarkable how little else matters when faced with extreme odds, humans can still come together and work together to survive through altruistic acts. Happy Christmas Kev!!!! Hope its filled for wonderful people and many a theory sharing.

  4. I saw this movie a couple of weeks ago. It shed some light on the subject and was also really touching for the reasons you mentioned, can't recommend it enough.
    Thanks for the vid 😀 and Happy Holidays!

  5. I love these types of "Everyday" hero type movies. I soaked up everything in that movie and those people were lucky to have such an experienced captain and like you said, EVERYONE came together that day. There were many hero's that day. The movie about Flight 93 from 9/11 was VERY emotional. Everyday people saved so many others knowing they would perish in that flight. Kev, you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, my friend! Your such a sweetheart!

  6. Sully USAFA Class of 73? I think.😊 His wife was way way more involved in his healing, giving him a lot of support and I read he was disappointed a bit that they didn't focus a little more on what a pillar of strength she was through the aftermath. The NY/NJ area needed a win, and got it that day.

  7. When this happened, it was hard to imagine what actually happened! Complete strangers reached out to help!. The ferry boats, Coast Guard, harbor patrol, police, fire department, Red Cross on and on, people came through! Race or color didn't matter, just the saving of humanity! It's a very worthy movie to see! The movie stayed true to the actual event. As a human being, I was proud of the quick response of rescuers involved. No matter who they were, what walk of life they came from pulled together, to save 159 lives that day. I felt for each person on that plane. Their fear, confusion, not knowing what to do, or how. Everyone on that flight, in my opinion was a hero! Sully, being the man and pilot he was, put the lives of everyone first.Yes he was a hero extraordinaire, Every Human Being involved were everyone Heros! I completely understand your emotions, it's an amazing real life movie experience. My friend you are a deeply feeling, warm bloodied Human Being! There is no shame, when emotions are the real deal!


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