Here’s the thing… I love Sam and Reign is a badass so I’m conflicted rn because I don’t like the fact that Supergirl almost died :/ But this was THE best episode of the season so far!

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  1. Not gonna lie I cried when I watched the ending with Kara and the “villain” I thought she was gonna die but then I was like “okay if she did die, the show would end, and, not only would the show end, but she would’ve died a hero.” But at the same time, I can’t wait any longer for episode 10, I watched it yesterday (episode 9) and it messed me up… but I love your reactions so much

  2. am i the only one who saw a little bit of spark between Sam and Alex? 😅 i just ship them since their first iteraction even if maggie is still in the picture.. ✌ i think Sam doesn't remember anything when she becomes Reign so maybe there's still a chance for her to redeem herself at the season finale.. but Reign is such a badass and really hot so i can't hate villains like that.. 🤣
    Imra btw, is also such a bae.. who wouldn't love this show when it's full of hot and badasses women? Ryt? 😍
    Although Lame ship is really lame..

  3. Lena deserves better that a guy who two episodes ago blamed her for mass shooting, we didn't see him say sorry we didn't see when did he change his opinions regarding Lena.
    Even Karamel had more development than Lames smh

  4. I normally don’t give out Fs to Supergirl, but this episode gets a big fat F. Purely for the fact that the entire episode they forced #LAMEs down our throats. The only redeeming parts of this episode were Sam/Reign, the Alex and Ruby scene and the SuperReignCorp scene.

    James is becoming the new Mon-El, and Mon-El is actually the hero. #notsorry

  5. The Legion of Super-Heroes is a 30th Century inter-galactic team of super-powered young adults. Inspired by the legend of Superboy, they were founded by Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl under the funding of an eccentric millionaire they had saved named R.J. Brande. This cast expands to include dozens of members with a diverse array of powers and personalities. There have been several versions of the team in main continuity because of the constantly changing nature of the future, including the Reboot Legion and the Prime Legion. The Legion of Super-Heroes were created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino, first appearing in Adventure Comics #247. (1958) Mark Waid, Tom McCraw and Stuart Immonen engineered a reboot of the team following Zero Hour in Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 4) #0. (1994) There was another reboot of the team by Mark Waid and Barry Kitson, starting in Teen Titans/Legion Special #1. (2004)

  6. I am so over this shit show. Supergirl started off with so much promise and they have ruined it every chance they get with crap writing, not utilizing the characters that they have on the show, using boring tropes, etc. The only reason I still watch reactions is because I have so much love for the reactors and the actors on the show, especially Chyler and Katie.

  7. The episode was awesome and so was your reaction :).
    Can't believe that we have to wait 'till january.
    Buy the way I king of got upset with the writers when Kara said that she never had a best friend…? I guess we are really trying to forget that Kara and Winn were supposed to be bffs(season 1). He might not be her best friend anymore but she definitely had a best friend before. Oh and were was Martian Manhunter when Kara was getting thrown around like yesterdays salad?

  8. Truth is the Supergirl writers have no idea what to do with James and they want to show how straight Lena is so they just threw them together even if it makes zero sense and their chemistry is nonexistent. I kinda like James but the writers do him so much dirt.

    Mon El and Imra are cute and even though he was an awful boyfriend to Kara he seems to be a really nice husband. When Mon El and Imra are together he is actually likeable, it's shocking.

    So conflicted about Reign. I love Sam but Reign shouldn't be killing people even if they're bad and it doesn't help that she wants to kill Supergirl lol. But that fight scene was amazing. I hope they don't kill her off.

  9. The episode was good…buuuut I can't be the only one who found this episode ridiculous in terms of Supergirl and Reign (Not talking about the fight scene itself, which was pretty okay). Supergirl basically got hints/clues throughout the episode that her enemy 1) is from Krypton 2) is literally compared to the devil 3) is called the "World Killer"…….and she STILL choses to go fight her without any back-up!??!?! Not only does she have J'onn (The Martian) but she also happens to have both Mon-el AND Imra Ardeen AKA "Saturn Girl"…why would she go at it alone, someone please tell me???… I sound salty AF XD

  10. I don’t really care for James and Lena’s relationship…like..AT ALL but I’m not gonna start the hating bullshit, that’s just so stupid. It was done last season w Mon-el and that’s fine and all because he was kind of a dick but holy shit it’s already making the reactions less appealing. It’s 100% fair for you not to like them but don’t make that the center of your reaction because that’s pretty much what happened last season. Y’all are fine with supercorp and shipping Lena with every single female that comes along but at the end of the day, the show is gonna give her a love interest that’s male because the writer’s want her to be straight, and there’s not much men available🤷🏽‍♀️ .They have decent chemistry, which doesn’t surprise because Lena has chemistry with everyone she works with, so I’m just gonna keep an open mind

  11. I know Im in the minority here, but I'm actually enjoying James and Lena. Hope to see more of it. Beyond that, GREAT RAO, Kara got beaten to an inch of her life by Reign! I was sitting there slack jawed for nearly the whole fight. Never thought I would see Kara this bruised or bloody, but they went there! Glad they did, too, that was visceral and I was actually worried for her! Get some rest and heal up for round two, Supergirl! It's gonna be a long 40 or so days til the show comes back from it's mid-season finale, but I LOVE a high-stakes high drama cliffhanger! Damn, this episode was awesome!

  12. No offense or anything but Lena doesn’t make anything gay. You’re the one who sees everything through gay goggles lol. It’s not an insult don’t get me wrong i’m not being hateful or anything, but as far as chemistry goes, each person has their own opinions and tastes. Like when I see Kara and Lena all i see is friendship. But some people see more. When i see karamel i see chemistry, some people don’t. It all comes down to your taste.

  13. Katie McGrath is such an amazing actress she has great chemistry with almost everyone. Everyone except James. I'm sorry but I don't feel it at all, and they literally had no build up to it. If she has to be with someone although I don't get why, I would prefer her to be with Winn or Sam.

  14. I try to remember that James was Clark's friend first, and he saw all of the things that Clark had to go through with Lex. Then, their mother turns out to be evil as well. I can understand why James would be hesitant towards Lena. On the flip side, I can understand why Lena would be attracted to James. They are both in positions of power, strong people outside of work, and they both care deeply for Kara.

  15. Kind reminder that the last time lena went to edges office by herself she got hit in the head and put on a plane to die so i think it was a good idea that james was there for he. He was being a friend

  16. I have a theory that Alex will adopt Ruby because 1: when Reign was created 'the woman' said that she would stop looking after Ruby and 2: Alex really wants kids and after the interaction between Alex and Ruby, I think they're gonna play on that story more throughout the following episodes to come.
    And tbh, I thought they're interaction was super cute. But I do love the scenes between Sam and Ruby too 🙂

  17. okay, it's fine that you don't ship James with Lena. But I would like to point out that James hasn't spoken badly about Lena since that ONE episode in season 2. I think it was 2×12. In season 3 he has actually said that she changed his mind about her, he spoke well about her in 3×01. The only time he "went against" her was in 3×05 but that wasn't even about him believing she was evil or whatever, it was about protecting the image of CatCo as a source of reliable news, she agreed with him.
    I do wish they hadn't rushed it in this episode, they should have let the relationship develop more throughout the season. But this is something this show does all the time, they rushed through Sanvers getting together, rushed Karamel, and now they're rushing James/Lena. I think they have very nice chemistry, and it would be nice if James and Lena became the one stable romance on the show.

  18. The Legion is here to get shit done basically. My guess is they’re going to clash with Supergirl on how to go about taking out Reign once Kara finds out it’s Sam. In 3×10 Mon-El is going to take Kara back to the ship and put her to sleep for a bit while he wakes up Brainiac 5 and the two of them along with Imra are probably gonna try to take out Reign.


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