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Folk Round by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (



  1. During season 7, Brienne asks Arya who taught her sword skills and she answers with "no one". I think Arya would reference Syrios teachings as he was the one who taught her to fight and Jaqen simply taught her to be an assassin. So Arya learns that Jaqen was Syrio and keeps it to herself.

  2. At this point, Arya has used faceless man powers to kill a lot of people but she didn't have 'payment' or permission to do so. What are the odds Jaqen (maybe as Sergio?) shows up in the final season to try and settle that score…?

  3. perhaps it could be investigated whether the Faceless men have killed a first sword of bravos in recent years? or if any have died/disappeared under strange circumstances? it would add credence to the Jaqen= Syrio theory if confirm-able.

  4. Check out the theory about Faceless Men serving the White Walkers. Seems crazy but it explains why they always say "valar morghulis". All men should die because there is nothing in this world but suffer, tear and pain(that belief comes from the slaves who were forced to work under dangerous and tormenting circumstances) therefore the only way to escape that pain is to die.That theory also explains why they trained Arya and was happy that she was going back to Winterfell. Damn Game of Thrones is gold.

  5. I think he is or, at least, I like to think this way.
    Not mentioning all the "coincidences" described in this video, in the episode where Arya finally kills that girl and place her face in the dungeon or whatever it is, Jaquen says: "A girl is finally no one" and she replies "A girl is Arya Stark from Winterfell. And I'm going home": Jaquen shows a hint of a smile and approval.
    I believe the Dancing Master's job is complete: Arya is fully trained <3

  6. syrio might be dead or alive. but syrio has nothing to do wit Jaqen H'gar. Except for the fact that they are both bravosi and its a big city. secondly the first sword of bravos is a big title and a job that is insight etc… and most important of all Jaqen H'gar and the temple of the faceless in bravos yes but he is known to be from Lorath.

    Many bravosi might have same religon.

  7. How the hell do those soldiers that he is hitting falling down? He is hitting their metal helmets yet they go out as if they loose their consciousness 😀 This is such bullshit. The Hound sure had a point. I mean look at it. They just fall from nothing 😀

  8. S7E04 When Brienne asks Arya who taught her how to wield the sword, Arya says 'no one' but her fighting style did actually resemble the water dancing that Syrio taught her. So does she somehow believe that Syrio is a faceless man and refers to him when she says 'no one'?
    At least I like to think that.

  9. Syrio attacks guards to protect arya.
    Syrio isn't killed but arrested.
    Syrio is sent to the wall.
    Ned Stark Dies.
    Arya is taken to the wall.
    Syrio recognizes arya while in the caged wagon.
    The dangerous prisoners are transported in a cage so they cannot escape.
    Syrio asks arya for help.
    In return, syrio helps arya at harrenhal.
    It would make sense.

  10. Look at the Waif against Arya with no weapon. Look at Sryio against 4 men at one time w/ a wooden sword. Please, he would have rekt Trant without on weapons. The show throws SO MANY clues for the connection between, Jaqen and Syrio. Remember, the faceless men say to Not today to the many face god, why? because they serve him. That is why Jaqen even broke the code to save himself. But did he. Notice he killed 4 guards, but how many lives was he saving. He owed Arya 1, but then he was saving her, Gendyr and hot pie from probably certain death from the mountain. Remember he slaughter everyone when he left the castle. To me it's not coincidence. These writers really interconnect things on this show.


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