The series finale of Game of Thrones, âThe Iron Throne,â gave fans loads of new props and costumes to feast our eyes on while we desperately try to fill the hole in our heart where the show once was. Letâs look at some of the intricate costuming displayed on HBOâs Making Game of Thrones blog to dull the pain.
For instance, did you know that when Bran the Broken became king, he did away with the direwolf of House Stark and chose a sigil to honor the Three-Eyed Raven? The members of his Kingsguard, including Ser Brienne of Tarth, bear it on their armor:
King Bran has a cool new look, too.
I like the dark colors and feathers cascading down from the top of the robe.
While King Bran seems to have forgone the whole crown thing, his older sister Queen Sansa had a special crown made, one featuring both the direwolves of House Stark and the fish scales of House Tully, perfectly marrying her father and motherâs houses.
And where Bran the Broken doesnât need a throne to sit upon, the Queen in the North has her own finely crafted and detailed wooden chair, a seat fit for a Stark:
Finally, while weâve already gone into great detail about Sansaâs amazing coronation gown, itâs always worth another look:
According to costume designer Michele Clapton, the fabric dye for the dress is the same Sansaâs friend Margaery Tyrell used for the dress she wore to wed Joffrey Baratheon, and is meant to honor her. Also, just like Sansaâs crown, the sleeves of the dress feature the direwolves of House Stark that eventually become the fish scales of House Tully.
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