It’s the final Take the Black Live of 2019! Watch as we break down the year in pop culture, giving the internet’s definitive takes on what was good, what was bad, and why it mattered. Watch us above!

Okay, we don’t actually have definitive takes, but we sure do have opinions. What does the ending of Game of Thrones look like several months out? Did the climax of the Infinity Saga live up to expectations? Have we started to see superhero counter-programming, and where do we think that’s going? What other major series came to an end this year, and what might rise up to replace them in our hearts and minds?

Where are the streaming wars headed? What about the fantasy bubble? WHAT IS TV?

The Take the Black Podcast is on iTunes and Google Play! Please subscribe and download from there if you can. Also, you can help us out by giving us a five-star rating and leaving a friendly comment! We’re also now on Spreaker, so try us there, as well.

After this, we’re off for a couple of weeks for the holidays, but we’ll be back on Wednesday, January 8 at 4:00 p.m. CST. Join us live on our Facebook page!

Next: Facebook goes all out with Game of Thrones-themed holiday party

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