So, after all these years, I’ve finally unlocked a key mystery in 1999’s Tarzan film from Disney!

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  1. Please redo the Tarzan Tangled Frozen theory adding on to this video along with your other video explaining Elsa's powers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I thought I connected everything but I guess this just completely effed up everything on Tarzan's part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thank you!!! All my friends believe the Frozen X Tarzan theory but it makes no sense since the Frozen boat gets capsized in water and the Tarzan boat is on fire in the beginning😂

  3. In Tarzan, Jane and her father are telling him about England and they mention Queen Victoria, that gives us a time line, and i believe she was Reigning over this time, i can't remember but i think Clayton say God save the Queen. Her reign gives us a pretty big time line 1837 to 1901
    Loved the Theory
    I just don't like it how a Disney writer/director whatever said it "confirmed it" Why just to jerk us around and toy with our emotions. He said it on camera record for all to see, why say it if its not official.

  4. I forgot you use the Belle shrugging reaction in your videos and that image popped up during the thumbnail preview and I was just like, "Whoa freaking plot twist!"

    Kudos to the real video/twist though! Mind still blown!

  5. Hey there fangirl. I love this theory and with Claytons "stiff upper lip" accent, it makes sense that he would hold a title like Earl or Duke. If he was just an explorer i would assume that he would have a much lower society accent like if it was modernday America instead of having a southern draw he has a well educated proper mid west accent. Anyways, i figured that i have not ever made a suggestion and with the Holidays around the corner, i thought i should suggest the Santa Clause. One theory i have comes from after Santa falls off the roof and disappeared. Calvin takes over and finishes the run. Then they go back to the north pole, but no one seems to care that the old santa is gone. You can see in the second move once the "De-santafication" process begines, Bernard and Curtis, along with all of the legendary characters are very very very scared that Scott will no longer be santa.

  6. Hey I made it to the end! Can you do a Transformers theory? Like how marvel heroes like Spider-Man and g1 Transformers interacted at one point and what this could mean with Disney recently buying fox and expanding the marvel cinematic universe? Love your stuff! 🤖💓

  7. i always hated the "tarzan is anna and elsa's brother" theory i always thought it was absolutely stupid and unreasonable.
    this theory however, is very believable and makes sense.

  8. From start to finish, my mind was *BLOWN*. I never even thought about it that way, I actually thought he was just a character filled for being the villain. Also that theory about Elanzan, Elsa and Anna being Tarzan's sisters, really just made me more satisfied to hear that it wasn't true, Thank you For correcting it and confirming it.

  9. Also another reason to stregthen your theory: Tarzan is set in South Africa and Elsa and Ana's parents were sailing to a fellow northern country in top of the european continent, there's no way you could miss that country that was on the way, not to mention it took on average 12 months to sail to north africa and maybe a week to reach the fellow northern country.

  10. Fangirl make a vid about inside out and up cuz in inside out there are ester eggs with Carl's tyes and the senns of there wedding I want you to see crazy boy to learn more


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