Leonard and Sheldon buys a limited edition replica sword from Game of Thrones from Stuart. Meanwhile, Will invites the guys to his party. When Leonard agreed to go, Sheldon thinks his just bluffing.



  1. You know Sheldon may act like a jerk when it comes to emotions but when it comes to stuff like this he really does care. Plus he is so easy to con, Sheldon I mean.
    "Oh now we can't let him lose money Leonard! I'm so sorry!"

  2. Big Bang theory continues to disappoint. So afraid they will alienate their audience that they can't make one reference to Game of Thrones in the scene where they are buying a sword from Game of Thrones.

  3. there is something wrong in this scene, i find it hard to believe that two men willing to start a fantasy sword collection dont use the names of the swords that they want to collect.


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