“Game of Tiaras,” written by Don Zolidis, is an action-packed, laugh-a-minute show that transforms tragedy into comedy. Combining “Game of Thrones”-type plot twists, Shakespearean tragedy, as well as many well-known Disney characters, the play centers around an aging king who decides to split his kingdom between his three daughters. Soon after, chaos ensues with hilarious results!

The Tehachapi High School Drama class production of “Game of Tiaras” includes the talents of Riley Gore, Joscelyn Martinez, Amy Statom, Sara Warner, Carli Trillo, Ella Davis, Joyce Whitten, Kiahnoa Saucedo, Ethan Cardenas, Mason L. Holden, William Small, Lewis Schulstad, Xavier Honeycutt, Ada Aston, Ava Weishaar, Darlene Morales, Gabriel Miranda, Maliya Snyder, Clouey Echols, Clay Bouldin, Luisa Ortiz Amaya, Jaden Johnson, Izzy Staff, and Justice Dyer.

Performances are Thursday, March 31, Friday, April 1 and 2 at 7 p.m. with an additional matinee performance on Saturday, April 2 at 2 p.m. at the Tehachapi High School Drama Room located at 801 S. Dennison Road.

Tickets may be purchased in advance through the Tehachapi High School Drama website at: https://our.show/techachapi-high-school-drama/91171, or at the door. Tickets sell for $8 general admission, or $6 with an ASB card.

Doors open 30 minutes prior to show time. Please park in the cafeteria parking lot and give yourself ample time to follow the signs through the gate to get to the Drama Room.

“Game of Tiaras” is produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. Get your ticket today to play the “Game of Tiaras!”

Monica Nadon is the drama teacher at Tehachapi High and Jacobsen Middle School.



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