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Game of Thrones: A Telltale Game Series – All death scenes and kills of episode 5 (A Nest of Vipers) in 1080p HD at 60FPS.
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Telltale’s Game of Thrones:
Alternate Game of Thrones:

Game Deaths:

Walking Dead: The Game:
Walking Dead: The Game Alternate:

The Walking Dead: Season 2:
Walking Dead Alternate Season 2:

Jurassic Park: The Game:
Back to the Future:
All Cutscenes:



  1. Idk but I see Asher more important than Rodrick for these reasons
    1. Asher is more of a fighter and isn't crippled
    2. Asher was the exiled son and had a tough life to survive in Essos
    3. Asher had a romantic relationship with a Whitehill and to me…if all the bad Whitehills were to die, a marriage proposal would make a peace in my opinion.

    but here is why Rodrick needs to live

    1. He is an honorable Lord and as Asher said was breed to lead (back in the ship scene were Beska was saying they don't want your brother to command them, they want you or something)

    2. Rodrick won't ever create peace with Whitehills, he will fight because he has no whitehill romantic ex-partners

    3. Rodrick had a very nice relationship with the Glenmore, so I mean I think that marriage can be ver powerful alliance, but after Arthur's death and Ramsay telling it's you against them with no help….I guess it won't matter much. Tho I would imagine Lord Glenmore wouldn't just sit there after hearing the news on how brutally his son was skinned like a deer, unless it's the fourth-born son or something….but still

    only Mira's story to me is boring, she hasn't done anything super intresting in Kings Landing, might as well never have made that character if she was going to only kill Lannister guard and talk with a coal boy, tho looks like Cersei is a person who can help, and isn't like pussy Margary about making new enemies or killing anyone.

    Dunca's death….well I didn't expect him, I was thinking Royland/Maester even the Mother at some point, because Duncan had no reason to….and sending Garet to the Grove kinda proved me that part, but the way he talked with Rodrick at the end….hmmm one wonders (you are weak and this and that….I guess keeping Asher alive….he is stronger so..hmm, but the part when he said you should have never rolled out of the cart, that's fuckin traitor to be killed in my book, not for the insult, but for being a traithor to the family he swore, and that means he is the reason Ethan died)

    as for Garet, I didn't expect Finn to die without any last words, I did expect him at some point….but whatever, could have been more heroic….but I guess not with white walkers/wights story plot. Interesting to see why the clan who went to Grove thought it's warmer …..children of the forest magic or something? idk but Silvy is a sexy bitch would marry that slut lol))

    let me know what you guys think?

  2. Fucking rude of Ramsay to say
    "We ain't gonna side with Ludd no more cause we don't give one single fuckedy fuck"
    And then kills Rodrik's only ally. I mean that's just giving him mixed messages.
    On another note they killed Finn those bastards!


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