A death didn’t happen for me but after ‘Leo the cool boy gamer’ said it was possible I checked again. As proof I added the scene why I missed it for my all deaths video of episode 5:
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Made by Ryan (SpottinGames) on the PC.
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Telltale’s Game of Thrones:
Alternate Game of Thrones:

Game Deaths:

Walking Dead: The Game:
Walking Dead: The Game Alternate:

The Walking Dead: Season 2:
Walking Dead Alternate Season 2:

Jurassic Park: The Game:
Back to the Future:
All Cutscenes:



  1. i feel like this scene should been like let one stay or let both stay and kill the half griff army until rodrick fight with the stronger guy while asher fight griff and make him submit to open the gate then they should sacrifice rodrick or asher at the end of episode 6

  2. Rodrik was my favorite and the true lord of House Forrester but that's why I made him stay behind. I didn't want him to be the kind of character that would let his little brother die like that, and it was a more fitting, glorious death for him instead.

  3. i hate the fact that only one of them can get out alive because i loved rodrik, and i didnt want to kill him, but i felt like i didnt got enough of asher, killing them both and letting you play as bashka woulf be cool, but nope its the one you love or the one you want to love.

  4. Let's see. There are maybe 10-14 soldiers there, right? Asher/Rodrik manages to kill 4 in a last stand (3 of them completely uninjured and with no effort), and he only starts to lose because Harys takes their sword and stabs them in the back. Presuming Asher and Rodrik fight back to back, they could easily defend each-other and kill every soldier there. Wtf, Telltale?

  5. This reminds me of that one Game Over death scene in The Walking Dead when you're on the train and


    You take too long with something(?) and Duck turns into a walker and kills his mom and Clem and then proceeds to knock you off the train.

  6. Asher and beskha holds out the lost legion, survive a dragon, liberate mereen and surviving the fighting pits
    rodrik survives the traitor attack, shows gryff whos boss
    Asher and Rodrik both kill 1 or more soldiers and dead

    Here is my fucking question… how come that the both of the brothers who are highly trained fighters couldn't at least kill around 10 soldiers or at least kill all of them. I mean asher and beskha fought the lost legion and survived without a scratch but the asher and rodrik each kill 1 soldier. Or does Iron from Ice basically mean we're dead in 4 seconds


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