A final adventure for Clementine is coming in 2018.

Telltale’s Batman: The Enemy Within – Announcement Trailer:

The Wolf Among Us Season 2 – Announcement Trailer:

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  1. Four wants for the walking dead game/universe
    1. A love interest for Clementine ( that sounds cliche but to go though all the crap she did and to still find someone who she can trust and be with would be an amazing side story arch
    2. A happy ending. All of the games end pretty shitty (Not the ending itself, just the situation the characters are in)(except in the 3rd season depending on how it ended for you) so to finally have a good ending where Clem isn't alone or on some mission would be great.
    3. Some sort of reference to the games in the Walking Dead show. No cross overs with main characters because it is important to realize that there are 1,000 of untold stories with unknown people and they should keep all these stories separate, but some sort of area used in the game that is used in the show or a small mention to an event that happened in the game. Mabey like an unknown character in the game that was a survivor of Carter's community that gives a brief mention of it.
    4. One hell of a good ending!

    No one from Telltale will read this, but thank you. I know this is all a game, but the story has felt real with me and I find myself truly caring how things turn out for Clementine and AJ. I'm not to wuss to admit this game has made me cry 2 times for the death of Lee and Kenny. Thank you for this experience

  2. I'm very concerned that all the loose ends won't get tied off considering this is the final season my ending with Season 3 was very open ended… I just don't see how they can tie everything off in a final 5 episode season. Especially the way they are talking bout it sounds like this entire season will just be about Clem.

  3. I hope telltale makes options actually mean something this time. Saving a person in episode one, then they die in episode 2 is stupid. I know characters have to die to make to story more enjoyable, but having some characters die or live because of you through the whole story would be awesome.

  4. We have the ending to an amazing series next year but look on the bright side, we are getting wolf among us season 2 next year as well, I will miss the walking dead tell tale games but the wolf among us will be there to fill in the sadness😪

  5. Look I just want to say that I do not care if telltale games walking dead comes out when I am 17 (I am 12 right now) I dont care I wouldn't be mad take as long as you want and please make season 4 9 episodes 🙂 I LOVE YOU TELLTALE GAMES LETS MAKE IT ANOTHER AWESOME SEASON! The walking dead is and will always be my favourite game

  6. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I'm gonna miss Clementine Aj Lee and Kenny

  7. Look I love clementine but I do kinda hope see dies. With AJ because you can't end this story otherwise. If they both survive then there has to be another season or the end of the apocalypse. That way there is the end of the book.

  8. they better make us do a choice that we can go back to the new frontier or go to carver's place for the ending of walking dead season 4 also a little seen of her and gabe with aj together and kate pregnate also a seen for going back to carver's that clem saw lilly,nick,and bonnie but ya,i cant wait for season 4 to come out

  9. As everyone says…
    All good things must come to an end.

    A great summer for me is ending.
    My childhood is starting to end.
    My friends are moving away, therefore ending are friendship for a while.
    And now…

    The Walking Dead by Telltale will end. It's been an amazing journey, and I'm glad that I was with this fandom.

    I'm hoping the finale with be a great ending to a series I love.


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