The Hound. The Mountain. CLEGANEBOWL!!! Could it really happen? The fan theory is inching closer and closer to reality…but there might be a slight problem.

Kim Horcher and Xander Jeanneret (The Library Bards, King of the Nerds S2) discuss!

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  1. Lady Stoneheart would have been awesome but… back in season 4. she couldn't be a major character this late and if she was introduced, she couldn't be a minor plot line… 3 years later is a bit late to start killing Freys, Lannisters and Bolton for the Red Wedding

  2. Arya is be saved by Syrio Forel next episode. Everyone assumes he's dead, but no one saw him truly die and no mention has been made of him. I theorize that Syrio escaped King's Landing and returned home to Braavos.

  3. its funny how everyone hates the Faith and the High Sparrow even though he is the only character who is actually just. Its a weird phenomenon where viewers root for bad people like Walter White and The Hound because they feel more connected to those characters.

  4. Well we didnt see who did it so maybe it the Brave Companions or outlaws– but also if you think about it. Sometimes movements like the Brotherhood without Banners — resistance movements can get more malignant. Like Jaime said to Blackfish why he still fights. The Banners were a resistance group attacking in part with the Starks in mind– the Starks as far as they know lost. So what more can they do? It could mean due to low of supplies they getting more violent or the Showrunners have combined the Brave Companions with the Brotherhood without Banners. Also I really want Nymeria to turn up in the show with a wolf pack and be huge. I'd like that more then Lady Stoneheart. It be nice if we did get a great twist with the faceless but doubting it. Like if it turned out everything we seen actually was Arya in a trance (when she was given a drink for her eyes) and it was like a mental battle between her identity and the waif represents no identity. Whoever survives will be what emerges when Arya leaves it.

  5. Tommen volunteers to be the faiths champion. The HS sends in Loras+Lancel+the Sparrows+Faith Kings guard instead. The Mountain ends them rightly before carving Tommen in two.
    High sparrow usurps the throne and the Cersei blows up the sept trapping Margery and the HS. The fire rages and other stores of wildfire ignite. Before long the whole city burns.

  6. I've been saying ever since I read Cercei's prophecy, that the "volonquar" (which he makes a point of spelling out only means "little brother") that will kill her was never her younger brother. It's the f.ing Hound that will kill her. (Does the tv series have the whole thing about her childhood prophecy and that being why she was always so dreadful to Tyrion? I haven't been watching).
    In Dance of Dragons it's clear that she's been encouraging that mad doctor dude, who has been sewing the heads of women onto The Mountain's body, but he specifically complains that they keep giving out because they aren't wilful enough. So I assumed in Winds of Winter Cercei would end up pissing off the wrong someone and end up in the mad doctor's hands, and he'd sew her head onto the Mountain, and the Mountain's younger brother, the Hound, would kill him and Cercei at the same time.

  7. The Hound won't be fighting for the Faith Militants. He just wants revenge on his brother and to fuck over Cersei. Also, Tommen has to die before Cersei according to the prophecy, interested to see how that unfolds


    Mountain and Hound may fight in future, but not in way everyone expect. And not this season. Unless he gets Westeros airlines ticket and somehow gets brain washed to fight for the faith, long distance tho.

    This was just click bait video.

  9. I also think Cersie will burn down Kingslanding and that those visions of the wilfdire are from the future. She has said in the past episodes-

    "I will burn their cities to the ground if they touch her"
    " I would do anything for you… anything to keep you from harm. I would burn cities to the ground."
    "I will burn our house to the ground before I let that happen"

    Also in the books Cersies eyes are often said to be as green as wildfire which may be foreshadowing, and she is said to have a temper like wildfire. Wildfire is used to describe her eyes and her temper quite often… which again is probably subtle foreshadowing the GRRM does for a lot of characters.

    Cersie in the books was told by the witch when she was a child that she will be killed by the Valenqar which means little brother. In the books she assumes this means Tyrion, but Jamie being her twin was still born second after her. So many fans have believed Cersie will die by Jamie, and this is most likely because she pulls a mad King move and burns down Kingslanding and Jamie kills her for it.

  10. I read a crazy theory not too long ago after the end of Season 5; Stannis was in fact killed by Brienne, but somehow was brought back to life by the Lord of Light, journeyed south to lead the Brotherhood without Banners and became Lord Stoneheart. But like I said, it's kind of out-there.

  11. Kim, better idea than Cleganbowl… THE GIANTS BOWL!

    Wun Wun vs Zombie Mountain!


    But ya, I don't recall if Cersei will "die" if she loses the trial by combat so much as she will lose her position and whatnot. But I doubt this will kill her because we know her "prophecy" (assuming it comes true) has her having her cast down to a young beautiful queen

    "Cersei: When will I wed the prince?
    Maggy: Never. You will wed the king.
    Cersei: I will be queen, though?
    Maggy: Aye. Queen you shall be… until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear."

    Now, I could see that being Margery, but I think it'll be more likely Dany.


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