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★Game Of Thrones Season 7➝
★Game Of Thrones Season 6➝

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  1. Jon, Sansa and Bran? It's a good theory but Arya would never lil anyone in her family, I mean she's already killed Walder Frey and he had brown eyes n she's killed littlefinger, his eyes were green, I'm thinking that the last person she's gonna kill might be Danaerys… or is that just me?

  2. It's really all up in the air, I think, whatever theories are being bandied about, no matter how interesting.

    And this itself I could say "What if…?" about. Like, what if you were right, just not how this goes about it. If any of her remaining family or allies got killed and raised by the Night King, she might have to kill the wight versions of them. For one hell of a twist, you could kill off anyone wishing to claim the iron throne (or have it destroyed as well), with Arya being alive and victorious, but utterly uninterested in ruling. Leaving people like Tyrion, for example, as potential statesman trying to heal the war torn nation alongside the few other survivors. Maybe toss in a passing reference to winter coming, and Arya giving a knowing smile, walking off into a bright warm sunset. Might be a bit on the nose, perhaps, but depends on the execution. This is just one idea, written quickly.

  3. Interesting thoughts, but I don't see Arya turning on her family, and killing them. Who is too deeply steeped in the north's honor code, justice and loyalty, etc. These things are part of her. Especially protecting your family. Blue Eyes could be Dany, or the White Walkers, especially if Green is for green sight. Could also be Cercie who has green eyes. But She doesn't have to kill Bran, just end the green sight to fulfill Melisande's words. Brown Eyes – I don't know,

  4. The whole Sansa and Arya storyline was bad writing not foreshadowing to anything. The fact that some in this fanbase try to make Arya an animal proves how anti woman this fanbase is. That being said, Jon dying does not make me sad. And it was confirmed last season Bran is already dead!

  5. Not even going to finish watching this. Weak ass morbid garbage. What the hell is wrong with you people? Is it possible for you to kill your family? Then why the hell is it impossible to find some one that wants to predict something that doesn't involve murdering family? Everyone wants Bran to be killed by Jon. Or ever worse. They cheer for the kid tossed out the window so that the guy that did it can kill his sister and then the kid that didn't die the first time. All the Starks will kill eachother. How do you go there? What kind of sad example for the mass extermination of humanity would want all that crap? Seriously, imagine your life is a show. Now imagine everyone watching it is trying to guess which member of your family will kill you first, or which one you'll kill. Nothing else. They have no interest in people getting married, having kids. No one can imagine you making friends or making peace. World problems? That just means some one that hurt you when you were a kid could break your door down and kill you before your family does, you know, because he's been a nice guy to most people for the last 6 months every one likes him more.

    You can't find any text to suggest she loves and protects her family? You have no interest in drawing the abundantly clear parallel between here and Nymeria suggesting the two lead an army of undead Starks and wolves to save the world? Years. So many years and the only interest anyone has is trying to find an excuse or scrap of text they can cling to in the hopes they all kill eachother. Why? How are you so broken? I know, I predict Ramsey Bolton will return and roll one stark in honey, one in fish, and the other in lemon cakes and that the North will stand around taking bets on which stark dies first after they chase them into the wolfswood. And the Night King and his army will show up, stand there in disbelief and then the god(s) of westeros will grant them wings and accept them into heaven because the army of zombies is as close to worth it as anything will ever get.

    How's that? It doesn't sound any dumber and morbid than you licking your lips hoping to see her kill what's left of her family.

  6. I say those eyes belong to Cersei, Qyburn, and the Mountain. The three key people to defeating the Iron Throne. I personally don't think Arya is destined to some sad death. Jon is coming home, and that will be big boost for her. And along with him will be her first love interest, Gendry.
    Yes, there has been a lot of darkness surrounding her but I tend to think she will find a new beginning. After the last names have been crossed of the list she might retire Needle and ease into becoming something she thought she did not want to be arya younger age. I think her future is bright.

  7. Nice theory, yet Melisandre never says how many pairs of eyes Arya shuts forever, only that she does shut them and names off the general eye colors. Most people wont say grey or amber or violet eyes, the just use the basic colors.

  8. i like the theory a lot, even though I don't really agree with it. I hadn't considered Arya killing her family. That would really leave her alone though… Which she could end up wanting in the end I suppose.
    But I think eye color is also such a vague. common thing, that it's very difficult t pinpoint whos eyes they may belong to. Because many characters that Arya has and hasn't met have those eye colors.
    And this isn't a theory or anything but for the sake of example, Not that I believe this will happen or anything.(and this obviously only applies to the show.) Dany also has blue eyes. Arya was always the closest to Jon. She might not like the fact that Jon now has another companion, an outsider really to hang out with. Because thats probably one of the reasons they were so close in the first place. Arya and Jon never fit in with the Starks. So, if Dany has blue eyes, could Arya possibly kill her in a jealous rage?
    I dunno… Like I said, it's a good theory, but I just think it might need a bit more evidence backing it up before I believe it more.

  9. Catelyn said that she can't stand those strange brown eyes (for Jon) in 3×02 when she talked with Talisa. I like that scene because it foreshadowed Jon surviving the Long Night. But maybe he dies after…

  10. Ray, I'm truly happy about your being back. I think this theory is dubious for several reasons, but it is creative. I won't try to refute it since you've more to flesh out. Arya kills, but now less for vengeance now than for justice. Even with the Freys she waited two weeks to find only the guiltiest Freys to try the wine! If she didn't care about justice (and Guest Right), she would have killed LF once Bran gave her LF's dagger (likely a signal) to do it with. Arya knew LF's villainy from Season 2, but no specific crime, so she needed to lure him into planning a crime. She went into Faceless Man mode starting with the sparring (note how she walks and talks with Brienne,AND the music AND her mentioning "No One") and showing HIM her skill with his dagger before giving him the Death Glare. She did surveillance *openly* spying on him, and then they both started using Sansa's timidity to try to kill each other. Her nastiness to Sansa was mostly a necessary *act*. Eventually she lured Sansa to her room for the scroll but left the Faces findable. During their usefully creepy discussion she taught Sansa how to play the game of Faces (lie detection) and then gave her LF's dagger as a signal. It was now Sansa's job to see through LF"s lies, and when he learned this girl who wanted him dead was an FM, he coaxed Sansa to kill her for FALSE reasons. The jig was up. On the battlements, Arya asked Sansa "Are you all right?" That's the real Arya, not No One. Sansa called her "the strongest person I know".

  11. Honestly I really think that this video is good, but faaaaar from what is going to happen; ok #1 …Brown eyes belong to Meryn Trant….who she kills in the brothel(specifically stabbing his eyes out) #2 Green eyes belong to Walder Frey (the actor David Bradley has green eyes) and the most recent and last #3 Blue eyes belong to Littlefinger ….so this whole scenario matches up so much more logically than Arya shutting her family's eyes….I mean for real…what was the whole purpose of Arya's revenge killings???? HER FAMILY!!! Family does actually mean a lot to her…even though her and Sansa don't see eye to eye…I don't think she will shut her eyes forever…seems unlikely, especially since they've figured out what was going on, and their final scene showed more of hope than anger. As far as Jon and Bran go….those are the 2 members of her remaining family that she cares the most about….I appreciate the time you spent on the video, I just really think you're kind of off and the 3 I mentioned seemed more representing of the 3 eyes staring back at Mellisandre

  12. My prediction is the faceless men will get a name and that name will be cersi and jacin heagar will confront Arya and say a girl must remove a name off her list or she must fight him. Which will be a good reason for her to team up with the hound an head for kingslandin

  13. Another interpretation of "Eyes you will shut forever" could mean eyes that will close when their business is done. Brown eyes, Ned Stark. Revenge against Cersie for his death. Blue eyes, Catlyn (already done since Walder is dead) and I think her friend Mycha had green eyes in the book. Revenge on the Hound.

  14. Yeahhh…. nahh. Arya didn't kill all the Freys for no reason. She will definitely do something fucked up and have a sad ending but she isn't someone that would kill her own family, it's not the Stark way and it's not her way. I think she will see those three characters shut their eyes forever but I doubt it will be her to do it. I like to think that Arya has a future after Game of Thrones and will perhaps go 'west of Westeros' like she imagined. Whatever happens in season 8 will have a dramatic effect on her and she will have to move on from her home, she will never be the lady of Winterfell but her life will certainly have meaning. In conclusion, I seriously doubt her story and character development has been leading up to her killing her family or killing white walkers.

  15. I think brown eyes was Walder Frey, blue eyes was Littlefinger, and green eyes will be Cersei. Those are the big three who murdered her family imo.

    I like the idea of her using Qyburn's face to get close to Cersei. She could certainly pose as a random servant again as well.

    I disagree with the theories about her using Jaime or Tyrion's face. I think we will have notable casualties in the final season, but I think the fandom at large is a bit too death happy in their predictions right now.

    I've seen folks predicting the death of like 75% of the characters in their who will die theories. By that point you're talking a Shakespearean tragedy rather than a bittersweet ending.

    Really enjoyed hearing your theory and interpretation for an alternate view. Looking forward to your next video on the subject.

  16. I dont think that Arya will kill Jon or Sansa..they are her last family ..She might kill Bran[Brown Eyes]in order to save him from the pain that will be caused when he will warged into the NK[killing for mercy] ..She might kill Cercei[Green Eyes] in order to give in the Faceless God her face added to the Jaqen says in S2 and for revenge of course..and She might kill NK[Blue Eyes]…because the WW are the actual enemy of the God of Death…they steal the dead and their faces that are important for the FM and their assassin missions..Death should to served….That why Jaqen in the Books is on the Citadel..he is looking for the book of the WW..reading that book for how to destroy them ..and that why he in the show release Arya to go back in Winterfell..he wants to know what happened with the dead in the North..and Arya is his spy in the North…its sounds strange ….Also i do think that Arya has some AA requirements and that might she with her magic dragonglass/VS dagger[who has something to do with the AA myth]…Catspaw be the one that kill him..All men must die…including the undead also.

  17. Brown eyes, blue eyes, and green eyes are the three different colored eyes you can have. So I think in my interpretation it's a lot of different people there's only three different kinds of eyes.

  18. Great to see you back Ray, hope you enjoyed your break. I have to disagree though with your view point. I dont think Arya will kill Jon, unless she isn't Arya?……When she arrives back at Winterfell, Arya says something odd when the guards tell her that Lady Stark is in charge of Winterfell……She asks, "which lady Stark?" Why would Arya ask that when she knows her mother is dead & Robbs wife as well……Also Sansa's eyes are green, but so is Cersei's & Arya is obsessed with her list. In the books Cercei plots to have Jon Snow killed, & throughout last Season Sansa kept warning Jon not to underestimate Cersei; perhaps she'll send an assassin to try & kill both Jon & Dany…..I could be wrong but I think Arya will try & kill Cersei or die in the attempt…..Glad to see you back Ray & can't wait for your next vid. Take care & God bless ☺😎

  19. Great theory I don't think arya will kills any of her family. I think she may choose between family and the faceless men but in the end she will choose family. The brown eyes I think refer to the waif, the green eyes refer to Cersei, and blue eyes could refer to euron

  20. I love Arya. She has empowered herself to survive. The darkness is the enemy of Mel. The darkness has terrors in it. I wish she would be able to clear her list and is able to live a "normal" life.



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