✮The 3 Eyes Arya Stark Will Shut Forever In Game Of Thrones Season 8 (Part 1 )➝

♫Music By Mikel➝

★Game Of Thrones Season 7➝
★Game Of Thrones Season 6➝

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  1. I think the NK and dead army are heading straight to the Riverlands/God's Eye – and will bypass Winterfell. This will throw off the North Army waiting for him at Winterfell, but will trap the dead Army in a classic hammer/anvil as they clash with the Golden co, and Lanister i the south, while the North descends from above. The result will be all main characters brought together in peril in the Riverlands – so anything is possible.

  2. I hope not… certainly I don't think so..simply because of *the pack survives* Arya has only killed those she feels has wronged Her family or to defend herself. She has not killed for profit..yet… I hopes she takes out Cersei

  3. That don't even sound right..Arya isn't a monster she just wanted to avenge her family..The show turning her into a heartless killer doesn't do anything for her story at this late in the game..Also she only wants to kill the people on her list and Varys ,the hound,or the red woman isn't on it anymore so she has no reason to kill them

  4. I have the thought too that Arya may act irrationally & kill Varys as she believes he helped betray her father, she did not understand the conversation at the time & no-one else heard it & once done, it cannot be undone. Arya will learn she had been mistaken & perhaps in an effort to redeem herself she will head South to kill Cersei & the Mountain……I remember the scene when Lady was killed, the actor who played Jory pushes Maisie forward so that the attention is not on Sansa, but rather Arya's vengeful stare-down with Cersei…..And in the trailer for S7 when Cersei says "enemies to the North" it showed Arya & not Jon Snow. Also in a scene between Tyrion & Cersei(S2-3?)when Tyrion says something like "for every enemy we kill we create two more, where does it end?" Cersei replies, " when all our enemies are dead(paraphrasing)the very next is Arya & Sandor, that is no accident…..I can't wait to see your vid on Varys & Arya….Take care Ray & enjoy your week 😊

  5. Nah!, I'm not having any of it. (getting the tin foil). Every scene leading up to the "fan service" of the last two seasons has had an impact along the way. Call it foreshadowing if you wish. Arya, WILL NOT kill off her family. Project those colored eyes onto someone other than the people closest to her. Remember, she knows nothing of the Night King or the army of wights but she will. Back to the scene with Lady Crane. "What is West of Westeros, no one knows." That scene was put in for a reason, not just filler. For me the perfect end scene, is Arya sailing West past Bear Island with Gendry at her side. Good theory though it is just that, a theory. TC.

  6. Why you gotta break my heart like that? 💔 You know my thoughts on the Arya storyline… To start, I don't know that there will be any particularly happy endings for anyone in the story, just as i think her story will not be all direwolf pups and rainbows. However, what makes me think Arya has more restraint than we give her credit for is because she did not act against the Lannister soldiers, the fact that she could've taken out Baelish on her own but did not until she was given the order to execute him, as well as she did not kill Lady Crane even though she was ordered to do so. She can discern between the innocents and the guilty! Because she can do that, she proves that there is a particular maturity with which she uses her assassin skills. I think her tragedy will be a shared one, the tragedy of Gendry. She thought he was dead. What's going to happen when he does die and she's right there? (Gendry is not warrior material like the rest) She will seek vengeance for sure. She may die trying to avenge him…the only person she loses that she could not avenge…that would be tragic too.

  7. GoT is good at hyping up "conflicts" that end up being non-conflicts. The notion that Arya can go postal is probably very, very unlikely. Look at what she did with Walder Frey's wife and other Freys. She gathered the people who took part in the Red Wedding; not a total mass murder of all Freys.
    In all likelihood, Cersei and the Mountain have to go. They're too stupid and have too many enemies. The people who have kept Cersei in line or alive have all deserted her. She's on her own. Who will take her out: Euron or Arya?
    Arya has a war to fight against the Night King. She's most likely to put her list on hold till after that war, if she survives it.
    As to Arya harming Jon; I'll be bold and say: NEVER.

  8. i hope she doesnt kill Jon..He is her beloved brother and he give in her the Needle..The Waif asked her for her family in S6 and when she said for Jon..something emotional passed from her eyes..To kill Sansa ..might be true..The NK might attack WF this season and Sansa be helpless because everyone will be on the battlefield and cant protect her..and he might to kill/turn Sansa into a WW and then Arya to has to kill her with Catspaw ..For Bran ..i do think he might sacrificed as nissa nissa for the AA…because he is connected with the NK and Bran might in S8 to warged in him ..If Arya kills him and NK dies along ..Arya migh be AA with Bran as nissa nissa and Catspaw or Needle Lightbringer…Brotherly love counts for the sacrifice..I like that idea.

  9. You could be right, Ray, and you presented a good theory with good questions. But Arya has ALWAYS brought justice into her killings (except self-defense), and if it's unjust, she doesn't kill. D&D have been *very careful* to show her killings were justified. They mentioned or showed the Frey soldiers boasting about sewing Grey Wind onto Robb's body, Polliver having killed Lommy, Trant beating little girls, the Waif killing Lady Crane, Walder boasting to Jaime about kingslaying and the RW. And she took 2 weeks to decide who to invite to the feast for the heroes of the RW, and as Walder recited the charges against them culminating with "killing guests in your home" (Guest Right). And she spared the women and whoever she chose not to invite. She's a defender of innocents. By the way, the High Septon said, "The Warrior punishes those who think they are beyond the reach of justice." That's the kind of warrior she is. She risked her own life to spare Lady Crane. And later to destroy Littlefinger.

    Moreover, she took The Hound off her List and maybe the others, leaving only Freys, Gregor and Cersei. Yet she turned from her 6-year plan of vengeance on Cersei the moment she heard Jon was at Winterfell. She had always aimed at finding family and home, which is one reason she's not as dark as some people think. You're right–Arya is very protective of her Pack, but she's also restrained. She got home to learn that the evil Littlefinger was there and manipulating Bran and Sansa. Despite his Season 2 scheming with Tywin against Robb, she'd never put LF on the List because she knew of *no crime* he had committed. But when Bran handed her LF's dagger with a knowing look, Arya became No One and investigated. She still knew of no crime, but probably (rightly) suspected she'd find some. I described how she went about it in my comment to Part 1. The gist is she needed to tempt him into incriminating himself so she openly declared war on him, and they started working against each other, first through spying, then through using Sansa's timidity to have Sansa kill the other. And when Arya was ready she gave Sansa three weapons that would force LF into a mistake: knowlege she's a Faceless man, the basic rules of lie-detection in the Game of Faces, and LF's dagger itself. Learning Arya was a FM forced LF to urge Sansa to act, Sansa saw through his manipulation, and acted instead against LF. (My guess is that Arya also formulated the bait-and-switch trial so LF would be so cocksure of his triumph he'd have no ready defense, excuse, or escape.) So by working within the Winterfell justice system, Arya protected Bran, Sansa, and Jon's position and got to execute him herself. And she and Sansa had a sweet reconciliation on the batttlements.

    I think tragedy was averted when she chose Home and Family over vengeance, which may be why Bran seemed relieved. In Winterfell, she's part of the system and unlikely to go against it. Thanks to the Faceless Men, she's as justice-minded as ever, but much less likely to go off half-cocked. She's very methodical and patient in her obtaining her goals. And she's longing for love. That was clear in how she responded to Lady Crane. Sansa is rather icy and selfish, Bran focused on other things, but several people she loves DEARLY are heading to Winterfell. The 10YO girl who shot and retrieved one arrow 50 times to learn how to hit bullseyes is grown up and knows a lot about killing and stategy, but she will not go against her family, especially with Jon as the head of it. She may be willful or argumentative, but her heart is still on her sleeve and her loyalty 100%. She won't suddenly change and go out of control. With Gendry alive, I don't think Mel is on her List now, but Melisandre will show up and possibly do something to cause Arya to kill her, maybe deliberately. I think Arya will want to be part of the fight against the Others, and eventually go with Sandor to Kings Landing because Cersei will be sabotaging the Great War and need to be removed.

  10. I've always thought Arya could be banished from WF even though I always imagined it being earlier in the season but I definitely like your theory and it would definitely be bittersweet I always keep my mind open for her endgame because in my opinion I've always seen Arya's endgame as a enigma. Anyways one thing that could happen is that not only could Jon find the bag of faces but also Arya could perhaps Poison some Northern Lords who insult Jon for bending the knee against Jon's wishes or tries to kill Dany (perhaps seeing her as someone taking Jon away from his heritage) and Jon has no choice but to banish her to protect her and everyone else around her. That would be tragic.


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