In celebration of Season 7’s amazing cold open, here are the best kills of Arya Stark of Winterfell. Hope we can add Cersei soon.

Hello, I make GOT lists, edits, and Downfall parodies.



  1. Elle est ma préférée. Elle a su faire ce qu'il fallait pour atteindre son but. Elle ne tue pas d'innocents et s'en prends juste à ceux qui ont fait souffrir sa famille. J'aime beaucoup ce perso qui malgré son apparence menue a réussi à survivre dans un monde où seuls les balaises s'en sortent 😀

  2. Arya is one badass young woman. One of the most interesting characters in a program filled with them.You just know she is one that will survive when nearly all others have not. I believe her and Sansa wil be all that is left of house Stark in the end.

  3. In Arya's earlier murders, she was more desperate and untamed in the killings. Her most recent killings more like she wants them dead, and they will be dead, its extremely calculated and she knows they will no longer exist because she decided that for them.

  4. Probably Littlefinger, although it was quicker and she was "only the executioner", but it was still fun to watch, especially that little smirk she gives him that says "nice try, dipstick, but you're screwed" as his charges are announced.

  5. Before arya came back home to winterfell I thought she was this cool badass faceless assasin (she is) but I think it's crazy how her being back home shows how fucked up she is(rightfully so, she's been through some stuff) but omg arya.Chill. She needs help.

  6. Walder Frey should've died the way Meryn Trant did. I wanted that especially because it's not only a parallel to Catelyn's death, but Talisa's and Robb's as well (the extra stabs).


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