The absolute worst of Ramsay Bolton, the absolute most evil character on Game of Thrones.

Hello, I make GOT lists, edits, and Downfall parodies.



  1. Ramsay was a real bastard. We all hated Joffery. Joffery was a little shit compared to Ramsay. What an amazing actor! His eyes, facial expressions, voice. No one else could've done this character but Iwan.

  2. 1.) He flays people ALIVE
    2.) He flays people ALIVE
    3.) He flays people ALIVE
    4.) He flays people ALIVE

    Now.. I know this video is showing his deeds throughout the show, so I'm not criticizing the uploader… More so the people who were literally shocked by the raping of Sansa and not by the multiple people Ramsay has literally peeled the skin off of over the course of multiple hours. It's pretty funny to me how out of touch with reality people are when "rape" is seen as more disturbing than having your flesh peeled off of your body, inch by inch. People who are skinned alive survive through the entire process until either shock or infection kicks in (which can take hours to even over a day.) The Mexican cartel skins people alive; face, torso, arms, legs, hands, scalp, etc. and the victims survive for hours. Life is truly a horror show

  3. Am I the only one who always wanted to see Theon torturing Ramsay and cutting his dick off and then asking him "What's my name", then when Ramsay says Reek, Theon hits him and repeats it until Ramsay says "Theon Greyjoy".

  4. how could be killing Rickon nr.2 and raping Sansa nr.4 ?
    I mean killing Rickon is super bad but a least Rickon is dead after this… and Sansa has to live with her memory for her hole life..

  5. No one like Ramsay. Joffrey was bad (not evil, he was just a kid with no discipline), but this guy was pure hell. What he did to Theon… I think that's the worst thing he could've ever done in the entire story. He completely destroyed him.

  6. do you guys noticed that when Ramsay was shooting the arrows at rickon, he wasnt looking where he was aiming. Its sick cuz he wanted the brothers to get as close to each other as possible and then take the moment away by then aiming correctly.


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