P Like this one alot. enjoy:)



  1. Bran was seriously underused this season. D&D could have made him be the real reason why Dany would go beyond the wall in 7×06 and also make him explain to Ben where Jon was in 7×06 instead of Coldhands ex machina.

  2. Lord Littlefinger says to Sansa, fight every battle in your mind and there will be know surprises. I think she’s the last person he should’ve never said that to… Sorry I had to stop the video to make a comment about that.

  3. No other YouTube’s channel compare. I get rally excited when I see an update from these Chanels!!! My favorite YouTube channel a lot. And the best one ever!!!! Spread the world! Even if you have HBO it’s still the best! Many thanks man!! I really love everything you do for the Chanel. I don’t look forward to anything really but what comes from your channel, everything else is not as good. Thank you again I feel lucky!

  4. i want to know more about the white walkers, and their history and the always winter place omg i hope they will explain everything in the next season but i heard its only 4 episodes or something like this


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