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Special thanks to Derek Hough!

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  1. It is interesting how everyone got a different message. I thought it was that they felt like they were being forced to do these things, that they had to fight or dance or go through this because all these other people were forcing them to do it and judging them, but in the end they realized that the only people/person who was in crowd and urging them on to dance and fight was themselves. As a way of saying, society doesn't make you do things. It might show you a path, but that doesn't mean that is the right one for you and you can to walk a way, follow it, or even follow it but your own way.

  2. just wanted to share something . did show my niece some of your videos .and she loved them. the last couple of times she I have seen her since she has asked me to show them to her again. and she has told her mom she wants to play the violin (she is 6 so my sister will not let her go to anything and they don't have money for it anyway ). well, i was in the city today and in a small local toy shop, i did see they sadly had a going out of business sale. well I did find a toy violin there should work like a normal (except it's of plastic ) now that is gonna be my nieces Christmas present

  3. Dude this song is brilliant and the video is true art. And I never was attracted to Derek before. But in this video- seeing him move like that and the intensity in what he does. Like I need some serious holy water because it's hot.

  4. This is beautiful, but I started to imagine how dumb she might have felt dancing around, pretending to play the violin take after take to make the video. But anyway, yeah, it's a great song and the video was very well done.


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