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  1. I can not believe no one has added to this Theory in the last episode of season 7 after Arya kills Littlefinger when she's talking to Sansa she tells Sansa that that she passed the sentence and Aria was executioner but we know that their father taught them whoever passes the the sentence should swing the sword

  2. I do not support this theory..It doesn't makes sense.We have seen many times Arya alone.For instance when we saw Nymeria and Arya together..How can Arya actually be Waif and still be sad about seeing Nymeria?We saw her alone so if that was really Waif,she wouldn't care at all about the direwolf..And also we have Bran..Who would have seen if Arya is dead or not..

  3. Wrong theory. There is a bloody new face on the wall after the fight between Arya and The Waif, and we see Arya, so i couldn't be her face. Therefore it must be the face of the Waif.

  4. My interpretation of the scene where Jaqen says, "A girl has finally become no-one" to me at the time, mean't that her decision to kill in that instant, wasn't based on who she was as an individual or what her status is or was in life. It had nothing to do with her family or loved ones…nothing to do with her cause or beliefs in life. Nothing to do with revenge or conditioning or wanting to be accepted by even 'the faceless' one himself. For the first time in her life, it just came down to her own raw basic instinct to survive. She felt threatened. Her life was in mortal danger. Nothing or anyone else in that moment mattered…except her own bodily survival. In that moment, she became 'no-one'. PS. Maybe that's why Jaqen told the other apprentice to go after her in the first place. Maybe he knew Arya would survive and finally learn the lesson? 😉

  5. comlication with the theory = right side of the neck is what you slash to "slit someones neck" it's more effective to use the right hand as the pulling motion can increase as you approach the artery, using your left hand you would have to stab through the neck muscle behind the artery then come across the throat, essentially having someone in a headlock position to start it, which would made it a bit harder to strike quickly without resistance, just a thought.

  6. I think its in the name, The Faceless, she could be the waif if the waif cut off her own face and assumed Arya's face. To become nobody you have to cut off your own face as the last test.

  7. It's not the Waif.

    It's possible that Jaqen H'Agar (however it's spelt) may have thought that it was the Waif with Arya's face on which is one reason he seemed to smile when she proclaimed she was "Going home".

    Nymeria and the waif don't share any history and Arya has never spoken about her direwolf to anyone since leaving Westeros so there is no way of that relationship or info about it getting to the Faceless Men so there would be no reason for Arya to react the way she did when she was reunited with her former friend.

    That scene served a dual purpose, to show that both their lives had changed who they were but also to highlight that they do still share a history which was mutually acknowledged on both parts which wouldn't have happened if it was just Arya's face being used by someone else.

  8. Well now that the season is over it's safe to say that she's not. Bran would've known, and if she was the Waif she would have reacted differently when she saw Arya's wolf… that's the biggest point I see.

  9. This theory is so wrong. She kills the Waif in darkness because it was the only way she could gain an advantage over "her". As a result, Jagen H'gar states that she is finally no one as she proves herself worthy by using her advantage and killing the Waif – "the stronger assassin". I'd argue, her wolf not killing her and Bran knowing it was her while her personal actions being carried out is proof enough that she's Arya.

  10. LoL, when she threw the bag of coin to the ship captain, she has not been stabbed by the waif. I do think that Arya might have been dead. When she got chased around by the waif, her stomach wound is open and she walks in pain, but later she walks just fine.


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