– Game of Thrones season 3 is over, but there’s still a lot to talk about! Season 3 featured some great scenes that made a huge impact on the plots and the characters. “Red Wedding” is obviously the biggest scene, but what other scenes mattered the most this season? Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola continue the conversation.

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  1. Actually, I do,like character development. But at the same time I didn't like it. I liked the changes to Jamie and losing his hand gave him some new prospective, but at the same time I had him pegged as the key bad guy in the first two books and I kind of didn't want to like him. I began to like him despite my desire not to. I didn't want to like Cersi either, but fortunately "it does hold." She's still a heinous bitch in AFFC and I hate her still.

  2. I like daenerys but i feel like she doesn't do anything she should learn to fight like arya instead of waiting in a tent pacing back and forth. Robb stark was a good leader because he was always fighting along side his men.

  3. Ned did not have the affair. Jon Snow is not his son. Jon Snow is the son of Ned's sister, Lyana, who was supposed to marry King Robert. Lyanna Stark secretly had Jon Snow by Rhaegar Taragaryean (Mad King's other son). Lyanna running off with Rhaegar started Robert's Rebellion. Ned kept this a secret for his sister because he knew Robert would've killed Jon Snow (Robert hates Targaryeans and would've hated knowing the woman he loved had a kid by one of them).

  4. I didn't like it when I starting to "like" Jamie when reading A Storm of Swords. He changes and you start to like him. I'm now about a 4th of the way through A Feast For Crows and was not excited to see that Cersi was a chaptered character in that book, I don't want to end up liking her too. She has had about three chapters so far and so far she is still a heinous bitch that's easy to hate. I hope that holds.

  5. Sometimes love works that quickly… especially when Ygritte was the first person he had sex with! That's a big deal. I agree, I don't think there was enough time for a really strong romantic interest to evolve, but I could tell there was something good there. The really good potential they had was squandered when he ran away, and that was sad. =(

  6. Ned and Sanza had some foibles, but you're right. Ned had the affair and subsequent bastard child. Sanza failed to tell the truth about Joffrey attacking the butcher's boy and her sister. This resulted in the death of the butcher's boy and her wolf. Also, had she told the truth, Cersei may have chosen a different wife for Joffrey. Then she never would have ended up at the capital where everything went to shit. Just saying… They all have had faults.

  7. Eddard Stark was the closest to a true "clear-cut honorable" person in the story. Then John Snow is probably the next closest. Albeit, both have had their failings. Poor Ned lost his head, and it was his honorable intentions that did him in. Westeros is a world where doing the right thing can get you killed and often does. Which explains why some of the so called villains are really just people trying to survive in a harsh world.

  8. Jamie telling the detailed story of his saving of Kings Landing and ..(MAJOR SPOILER).. the scene where Tyrion is told by the small council that the starks were murdered, especially the ending when Tywin talks one on one with him about the morals of it all. Very well acted and written scenes, season 3 was great, but i agree with Cenk that sean bean as Eddard was awesome.

  9. he also became the most hated and most likely to be destroyed in the north. His bravery is based on Tywin lannister backing. wich he will need constantly now that the north will be raiding his lands. How long until the support ends?

  10. Walder Frey became the Lord of the Riverlands because of the betrayal. Well not in name, but in actual power, since his daughter is the wife of the actual and imprisoned Lord of the Riverlands. The freys were subjects of the Tullys, now he controls the Tullys.

    Lord Bolton became Lord of the North. The title the Starks had for centuries.

  11. The Frey's should of let The King in the North cross to win favor with the North king (HIS KING BTW). Your not going to win favor from someone by being a cunt. Rob not going through with wedding was the Frey's own doing by being a douchebag.


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