Why the next two seasons of The Big Bang Theory are Schrödinger’s Sitcom..

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  1. It´s extremely difficult for any show to long last with full shine whatever direction it takes. If the original concept of nerd cientists that can´t get women would last longer than 3 series people would complain of getting stalled and repetitivness. Could you imagine old Leonard and Howard still stuck in a lab and chasing women? Old Leonard still chasing Penny and getting permanently dumped? The show would have been over years and years ago. Being a sitcom screenwriter is a permanent challenge because things got to change and characters have to evolve. Still, neverthless what you do most people stop caring after 60 episodes, much less after over than 200.. who cares.

  2. With all the negative comments, i wanted to write a positive one so here it is 😛
    I also have all these concerns, and even though i thought the seasons became less and less funny after season 4, as the became less awkward and geek, i must say season 10 have been the funniest in years.. well that's my opinion

  3. The "big bang" theory is just a "theory". It DID NOT happen. "Nothing" did not create something. The fish did not crawl out of the ocean, grow legs and find something to eat, or something to marry and reproduce. We DO NOT come from a rock billions of years ago!

    The TRUTH is in the Holy Bible, in Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." God is pre-existence, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. These videos I am posting, PROVES that the big bang theory is false and made-up. Put you faith in Jesus Christ today. He died for all of mankind's sins, paid with His Blood, His precious blood on the cross, and God raised Him from the dead three days after he was crucified. Ask Him to forgive you of all of your sins, repent, turn away from your sins. Trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and have everlasting life. (John 3:16) (Romans 10:9-10)





    I say this and witness to you all because I care about all of you and do not want your sins to take you to HELL.

    Take care…

  4. the first 4 seasons were brilliant ,next 3 were okay, last 3 were unbearable. after introduction of amy and Bernadette show seems like a romantic drama rather than intellectual comedy


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