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  1. Its going to be the Ice dragon that flies over kings landing and destroys it. Danny never reaches the Iron Throne just like in her vision she never touches the throne. It is snowing and the throne room is destroyed from dragon fire… ice dragonfire.

    The white walkers prevail

  2. Hey, I'm a new subscriber to your channel, i love the way you explain a lot of things…I do have a question for you though…What about the dragon that Jorah and Tyrion see when they travel through Valyria @3:39 …this dragon that they see doesn't belong to Daenerys Targaryen…i have a feeling in S8 we will see a more dragons than we have ever seen through out the seasons, because history obviously repeats itself here, i feel this scene was a clue for whats to come in the end…could you explain further on this topic? Please and thank you.
    shalam, have a blessed day

  3. No one seems to have noticed the giant, glaring clue embedded in the opening of Beyond the Wall. It references the history of Hardholm. It also points to Jon as being Azor Ahai.
    Hardholm was a ship port that was destroyed by fire from a mysterious source. The flames rose so high that the watchers on the wall thought the sun was rising in the north. In the opening shot, we see these flames represented by the fire in the hearth. Although the episode takes place primarily north of the wall, we are not shown this location in the opening credits, instead we see immediately after, on the table map. Our heroes are definitely trapped in the ship port through most of the episode. We can see that the tide has gone out after they wake to find Thoros dead. This explains why the walkers have a huge chain available. Most importantly, this denotes that Jon emerges from salt water. If the fiery death of the dragon or the scorching of the frozen surface do not serve to add the flame and smoke elements to the equation, the historic fire mentioned above should. The symbolism of Long Claw and it's parallels to the image of Jon's prior resurrection suggest that he has been again brought back by the Lord of Light. Born amidst fire and ice, salt and smoke – Jon has now become established, beyond all doubt, as Azor Ahai. I have yet to find any podcast or youtube video suggesting that anyone has caught on to this.

  4. Catspaw obviously has something to do with the long night as Sam Well reads through a book about the long night and clearly sees a big picture of the blade. I really think that it is a big thing and should be looked into

  5. I believe the theory that we are in a story being read to us by someone in the show. In season two Joffrey and Jamie are in the Red Keep and the come across the book of the past kings gaurds of westeros. When turning to Jamie's pages there is only one page. I believe Jamie will be the "hero" of game of thrones and this will end with the ink drying on the Jamie's pages in this book.

  6. In the scene in the throne room in Kings Landing (approx Minute 3:05) you can see the star behind the throne – Cersei had replaced the star with the Lannister lion when she became queen. Is this a potential mistake in the script? Otherwise the lion would have to be replaced later by the star again before this scene in the destroyed throne room.

  7. With a title like this "the BIGGEST clues…" I was expecting to actually learn or discover something. Sorry but that was not the case, as usual one more video on youtube with misleading title. putaclick

  8. I suppose the initials 'RL' were carved on the pillar by Benjen Stark(Jon's uncle) so that in the future Jon may decode it. I am sure about the idea that Benjen knows about Jon's parentage.

  9. In the scene of the destroyed throneroom you see the emblem of "the seven" above the throne like it was when tommen was the king, but now it is a lion, because now cersei is the queen, so the vision can't be true anymore right? 😉

  10. Jaime and Cersie will die together just like they were born together and Jaime will do the killing, to give them a merciful death.

    One of Danis dragons will in someway, in the batle against the white walkers become a ice dragon and Bran will ride it.

  11. Lots of theories floating around so here's mine. In S 1 episode 6 we see John snow sneeze. I think his sneeze represents the long night that's coming. After he sneezes the candles all go out. Exactly like when white walkers show up. His uncle Benji is a white walker and is played by a white man who walks. Later in the same episode a girl walks through a door to fetch some fire wood. Why would she have done that when there are trees outside? O
    I think it's because she didn't want to chop fresh wood because the trees have faces on it. If your tree had a face, would you chop it?


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