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  1. There must always be a Stark at Winterfell, Bran is there and so will be Jon, Queen Daenerys, her armies and Dragons Jon will ride Rhaegal if all 3 Dragons had riders in S7 Viserion would still be alive! Bran and Kinvara and Mellisandre will all play crucial roles 2 destroy the Night king and Viserion and the White Walkers! I hope the Dornish army and the Fiery Hand come 2 the fray and maybe the Golden Company fights 4 the side of the living!

  2. I think the details of the war is off. Here's what I believe happened.

    1) The Andels came over and started chopping trees.
    2) A war broke out.
    3) The Children created the White Walkers.
    4) The army of the dead was too good at their job. They killed the men and probably the Forrest.
    5) Fearing their Extinction, the humans broke Peace with the Children.
    6) The Children ordered the White Walkers to stop. This order was against their whole reason for being. They disobeyed.
    7) With the Children siding with the Humans, the White Walkers saw them as enemies and started killing everyone.
    8) Everyone teamed up to defeat the White Walkers and drove them north.
    9) The Wall was built.

  3. Has anyone considered Jamie and Sansa getting married to unite the two great houses of the north and south? I've come up with a few reasons why this could potentially work, the most obvious being it would halt the war between them. A couple other less obvious reasons, but I'd like to hear some thoughts whether anyone thinks this is a viable theory. I personally believe it is and have not heard anyone ever mention it. If someone has, and I've missed, then my apologies.

  4. The Night King originally was attacking men, but now seems to have a plan. We just don't know what it is. I still think he's trying to get to the Isle of Faces to destroy the last of the Children of the Forest. Lots of people just keep getting in the way.

  5. Hey, quick off topic. Aegor Rivers (bittersteel) was mad all his life. Upon his death the Golden Company was to dip his skull in god and raise it with a banner. Gregory Clegane has suffered from "headaches" his whole life and abuses milk of the poppy. This appears to also be used by Maesters with Bran and Sweetrobin. Your thoughts on the dipped skull of the golden company becoming amplified anteni so they can still act in the world?

  6. I think the big twist is going to be humans are the long night and Azor Ahai is the night king. Who else in our story has had a entire generation live the long night? There's not enough time left for any human but a entire generation of Children have seen their lands ravaged and their job killed by man

  7. Yay! Welcome back 🙂 missed your videos. Personally I do not think that Bran is the Night King. I do think they are connected (obviously lol) and I do think the Night King is a Stark just not Bran Stark… maybe one of his ancestors. I can't wait for this long night to end and we get season 8 to see what really happens. I'm really hoping that we get more Bran flashbacks like more about the Night King who he was before the children of the forest captured him and why he turned against them. Lastly seeing Robert and Rhaegar fighting at the Trident (not related and I'm guessing very unlikely but it would be super cool if they had time).

  8. Brand used his ability to kill the COTF in the past, so that he can prevent the creation of whitewalkers and end this dilemma once and for all. However, his plan failed and made everything worse….


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