Is blood magic involved in Dragon Bonding in Game of Thrones? Is Dragon Bonding and Dragon riding wrong?

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  1. Another powerful video Kev.
    😢 it is more of Bounding as opposed to Bonding
    The mental chains of control of Bounding and bending to the will of the rider vs mutual opening and fusing of souls that encompasses Boding.
    Even the well treated slaves are still slaves. A golden cage is still a cage. And in the case of dragon vs dragon during the human battles, those mental cages were of fire and blood for the dragon (a weaponized innocent creature )

  2. Maybe in crypt in the red keep dozens of dead targaryen kings and queens Lie with their dragon eggs so the souls waiting for the day it will be burnt down by A family member that is unburnt so the the small dragons will be free Under the moon sky

    Daenerys as the last dragon lord is the key to bring dragons back and maybe the death as well

  3. Starting to think that jon has a dragon egg in the crypts as all tags when baby's have eggs put in their cribs so maybe they already had a petrified egg stone egg at the ToJ and ned took it back hoping one day it wud prove jon legitacy

  4. As much as I don't think jon will ride drogon especially if dany still alive but that moment when jon stroked him on dragon stone. They Def had some sort of bond don't get me wrong perhaps he just knew his targ roots but when jon touched him it was like he was soothed and the way drogos eye flicked or blinked

  5. Brilliant video Kev! 😃

    I'm more of a direwolf fan honestly, but your great analysis and eye-opening book lore always make me love and appreciate dragons more.

    When you put it like that, the possibility of the special bond between dragons and their riders being a form of blood magic seems very likely. Viseryion, Rhaegal, and especially Drogon, always felt Dany and came to her rescue when she needed them, even from miles away- so it would indeed make more sense that there's more than an emotional connection or taming, that there's an enchantment somewhere along the lines…

    I loved Hodor more than any other character and I feel really bad for him and all he had to go through, and I certainly agree that warging into him was a form of mental-rape. However, I don't think Bran ever fully realized the consequences of what he was doing and the pain and confusion it causes. Also, he didn't make a habit out of warging Hodor (there has been a handful of times, the first of which was basically forced by Jojen and the last demanded by Meera). At the fateful moment of his death, it was actually Meera screaming at Hodor to hold the door, and Bran's conciousness transferred her screams onto young Wylis. The final warging was really unavoidable and also it's the point where Bran awakens to the dark side of his powers and the cost of his mission. Unfortunately instead of showing us his depth, character development and path towards RoboBran, they just introduced this awkward rigid tactless mindless version of Bran in Season 7. Hodor deserved much better. But I think the fact Wylis kept uttering "Hodor" means he knew what he signed up for…

  6. The animals that we can truly domesticate all have hierarchical group structures. It's why we can't domesticate zebras. They don't form large groups of females under a single dominant male like horses do.

  7. Huh, I just realized something. You quoted Bloodraven about the ravens having a part of Singers’ souls in them. He says “Long dead”. Ravens don’t have long lives, so how could the Singer be long dead?

    I wonder if the Singers can stay in the Weirwoods or transfer back to them when the raven they’re in dies. Or switch to another.

  8. I don't like dragons. They're coarse, and and rough and irritating, and they get everywhere.

    Just kidding, live those big bsstards, they're awesome. Nice vid Kev, I fully agree with you, there's not much I can say. Except have a nice day

  9. I hate to be the one to point this out but in the books there is good evidence Brann, is an abomination and servant of the Great Other. He has broken every rule of skin changing and warging, having taken another mans skin and eaten a mans flesh. He is a counterpoint to the inherit Stark qualities of self abjuration and duty we see in Jon Snow and his use of his powers with Ghost. I think the Targaryan's dragon bonding is strongly related to the warging magic of the first men, like you said, and it seems likely that the Targy's themselves are of the first men. Now the Andels are likely related to the people of Old Ghis but that's another rabbit hole for another day.

  10. For Bran don't forget that the books describe warging into a human as an abomination.

    As for the dragons, I never considered a magical bond between rider and mount, but it totally makes sense.

  11. Idk about anyone else, but I’ve been reading the books again to fill my ASOIF needs during the off season. It would be cool if you did a couple more of the chapter analyses or other book related videos like this

  12. This was a great video! I love Daemon and Nettles. I wish we got more with those two. Somehow I think that roar was I'll see you again….the never recovered Daemon's body after his last battle with One Eye.

  13. Again, so many great points made to back up your claim! I completely agree that dragon bonding is similar to warging. This is why I do believe that Jon will eventually ride a drgaon in season 8. I am not sure which, and I don't know if Dany and Ghost will be alive at that point, but I do feel as though it will eventually be coming.

  14. I'm rereading the books and had a thought on dragons. The description of the Stallion that mounts the world fits a dragon, leading us to think Drogon is the Stallion, but Dany names the "Stallion" Rhego, after Rhegar, so shouldn't Rhegal be the "Stallion" and dose this mean Drogo will die before the end of both the books and the show?

  15. Thank you for this comprehensive video I super enjoyed it! I agree with your opinion on Bran warging into Hodor, I always thought it kinda messed up that he made him do things he was scared to do and keeping himself out of harms way. But it was also kinda necessary.

    But also, I think we can all assume Jon is going to ride one of the Dragons (Drogon or Rhaegal) next season right? Do you think it's going to be a different bonding ritual?


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