What if one small event was taken away from your past? How would your life be now?

Track used in the video:

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Special Thank you to CO.AG for the music as usual! If you are looking for music for any video production, games, movies etc. He is the man to speak to so check out his channel or send him a personal message!

Thanks for watching!




  1. Fascinating! You explained it perfectly as well. I really needed to hear that last sentence right now. Wow. You honestly did just have a big impact on my frame of mind. A positive one! I'm just realizing this as I type my comment. How cool is that, I ask you? 😀

  2. If it if that if these don't say all of this bullshit because let me tell you what: If Hitler or Bill Gates wasn't born, there will be alternatives so the outcome may change a little bit. Also, you can't go back and change the outcome of any events, it is what it is. What matters now is your future or present choice, you still have chance to make impact in this world.

  3. Wether or not WW1 2 happened it doesn't seem justifiable at all that so many innocent lives were lost as a result of it no matter what the catalyst was. Good video, very interesting. All of these events are a true horrific tragedy

  4. Video only makes people think too much. His wife cheated on him but if he would’ve just left work 5 minutes later he wouldn’t have caught her which in turn would have saved both of their lives and little Johnny would’ve never been murdered by his father 2 years later and would have become the man to kill Charles Manson before he started reading books and planning those horrible murders and ruining people’s lives


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