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  1. I get it a li'l bit..

    apparently, i'm "good looking"

    the amusing one is

    women will purposefully walk into my way, so that I have to move around them.
    such that, I 'have' to notice them.

    Of course, they couldn't just say "hi". Plausible deniability.

    the fact that I'm saying this… "omg, you're so conceited"

    …plausible deniability

    Or, if I go out to dance, they'll just "happen" to be dancing next to me…
    If I feel like, just going off.. They'll insinuate themselves upon me.

    yeah, I get that sounds like "omg, poor me, blah, blah, blah"
    I wouldn't be writing this if they just owned it.
    (i guess they are really, like a cat presenting).

    (i guess i'm flattered, but,
    just say "hi").

  2. Before I finish this video, I need to troll three feminist twitter accounts and print out the threads so I can offer them and 2 baby rabbits to the Vee alter in my room.

  3. You. Never. Apologize. To. Those. People.
    Actually, I came to a conclusion that you need to go balls deep. They call you 'sexist'? Sure. I am sexist, tits or gtfo. 'Racist' Sure, hang'em high, start the ovens.
    It is awesome to see them melt totally when their moral faggotry gets called out. They behave like dogs which chase you as long as you escape. Once you stop, the dog is totally confused.

  4. If those “blue checkmark” bitches are the “popular girls” on the internet, that means the internet is an even more fucked up place than I ever could’ve imagined. ANYBODY who likes those whores is almost certainly a fucking male feminist, virgin pussy— and they don’t even like those bitches, but they’re SO FUCKING DESPERATE FOR PUSSY, they’ll punk themselves out, just so they can get close enough to those condescending cunts to wait for an opportunity to rape them… Most of those bitches are WHITE, female leftists, which means most of them HATE THEMSELVES…

  5. People push for discrimination against men in the workplace, on the basis that men and women are equal and the only reason things are unequal there is because of discrimination against women. Then when someone says men can be victims of sexism too (which makes sense since both sexes are equal), everyone throws a fit.

    When will people learn that women cannot be reasoned with, and it is not the women but the cucks who defend unreasonable women who are ruining our society? >_<

  6. You know who else moved to the capital city and fell on hard times and struggled to find his next meals, then went on to point out some BS in society and was considered a god in some circles? Hitler. Lidderally Hitler.

  7. GOT is at least watchable and interesting. They have COMPLETELY DESTROYED Supergirl with their ideological nonsense. They spent fucking half an episode on a gay wedding SHOWER (not the wedding) and then ended up with Supergirl simply murdering the Martians -_-

  8. The whole shit they say about how men cant ever understand or suffer the same harrassment as women is not only super demeaning to women but also, yes you guessed it, sexist.


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