Whether it’s his terrible parking skills, or his inability to ever be right, everyone loves to get down on Kunal.

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  1. I know I am a year late but WTF is with the comments.about this vid being racist? Why can't the triggered see that it's just banter between friends and co workers?
    Has anyone looked around themselves and inside of themselves the last 5 years? Has anyone noticed what they have become? How can anyone live day in and day out looking for things to be upset about? Idk. I know I have moments of things people say. I have said this in other comments and I will say it again. Life is too short to sweat the small and dumb non existent stuff. This is no tragedy. I am a cancer survivor. When you battle for your life, perspective rid what you gain. Lay off the hate people. It's really not worth it.

  2. This isn't cool Conan. I mean you just had all these people gang up on Kunal and it was very uncomfortable to watch. In fact Kunal was feeling quite queasy and uncomfortable himself and was trying his best to not look upset or butthurt, but to no avail at times. You guys need to be more sensitive, especially Kunal's snobbish co-workers.

  3. Not one of them asked for, or received my consent. I still remember the phone call after the twins were born. People kept showing up to see the twins. Spicer in disguise, etc. None of this is okay. Those companies are mine and they are in contempt. There is no "big bang", period. What they did was hijack my fertility.


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