Special guest Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty, Community, Good Game) is here to play a nightmare of a video game.
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  1. GOD DAMN IT. I was holding out on Rick and Morty because it's been talked the fuck up and I just know it's not going to live up to expectations but here I am clicking on this episode and laughing my ass off at Harmon's crass ranting alcohol-fueled humor and I'm about to crack. Love you guys.

  2. Ok so Dan Harmon bravo! Love him! BUTT am I the only one who realized that THIS GAME IS A HORRIBLE COPYCAT OF KLONOA?! Capture enemies in bubbles and shoot them out. Spiral springs. And a loading screen silhouette when going to a different area?! IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THIS RIGHT?!

  3. I've watched this video 3 times since it came out to this point. its a good late night entertainment and something just fun to listen to. i hope they do more guest grumps with dan harmon, their personalities match perfectly and i want more of this.

  4. tunaflume = toon boom, and oh man Dan harmon has some layers of rage about animators that just asked to get paid liveable wages back in season 1. woof. Do not envy the people animating that show with that little respect for animators work vs the hard work they poured into the series.

  5. This is one of my favorite episodes of game grumps and definitely my favorite Guest Grumps. Dan Harmon is just so real. I feel like he is so open about stuff (partly the alcohol no doubt) because he's kinda set for life now with all of these amazing things he's created. I love hearing someone open up like he did in this episode. I felt bad that Danny kept trying to rush the episode and steer away from the interesting things Dan was saying.


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