The 4th and final episode in the Costumes of Westerns from the HBO series Game of Thrones. *Major Spoilers for all 6 seasons and some from the Teaser and previews from Season 7*

In case you missed them:

The Costumes of Margaery Tyrell:

The Costumes of Westeros I:
The Costumes of Westeros II:
The Costumes of Westeros III:

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Folk Round by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Journey in the New World by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Achaidh Cheide – Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Angevin – Thatched Villagers by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Long Road Ahead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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  1. That work of research you do about costumes is amazing! I definitely should pay more attention to the tiny details everywhere on the costumes. Maybe Selyse's messy hair is meant to make her look neglected and half-demented. She was indeed a very damaged woman, just like Lysa Arryn. Why the seven hells don't you have more subscribers? You do a tremendously good work.

  2. Hmm yeah the tarly costumes look pretty dumb…
    but actually i think ellaria's dorne coats look really good on her but i guess it might also due to the actress.
    But anyways, thank you for all the great effort you make for your videos! It is so interesting to know more about the designs for game of thrones especially region related. Amazing designs and amazing videos on your part. Greetings 😉

  3. Thankyou Costume Cinematografico! As a former fashionstudent and patternmaker I always enjoyed GoT for its lavish costumes and you put loads of work and interesting detail information on this, very nice! I might've been looking with my ears but is there an analysis you did on the Dothraki costumes specifically i missed out on?

  4. When I see the Tarly costumes I also hate them, that weird 19 century silhouettes just dont fit in the Game of Thrones world! But then I started thinking that maybe they wanted to show a "Ahead of Time" feeling like they do in the Bravos costumes or in the renacentist atmosphere of the Citadel, that for economic , religious, or intelectual reasons are a little more "advance" ,just like happened in Euroupe fashion in the protestant countries. What do you think?

  5. i love oberons costume . I wish Indira vermas costume could be more of traditional and archaic patterns and prints …but its all plain fabrics. The exposure of cleavage and elaborate head dress can be seen in temple sculptures of dancers

  6. the costumes worn by the tarly women is symbolic that the tarly household is male dominated chauvinist household. Thats why anything which requires dainty hand or craft wisdom is avoided. i dont think sam tarly's father pays much allowance to the tarly women to dress up and visit neighbouring lords and ladies hence such shabby designs

  7. I'm biased , cause a) I'm Indian, b) while reading the books, I always felt that Dorne was more India and less Spain (contrary to what GRRM said) and c) I love Myrcella. I'd definitely steal her wardrobe!

  8. Please PLEASE never say décolletage EVER again!! I know it sounds french but it is not. The correct word, and make my ears BLEED like in crimpson peak. The real french word is décolleté. 🙂 otherwise please continue!! Your videos are very interesting!! The details you give are really amazing, and I love the reference break down, It's so obvious once you say where it comes from, and you explain it so well! thank you !

  9. the costumes of ellaria martell with the strong shoulders remind me of burka (caucasus), worn by men in Caucasus (duh). I really had to search the name of it, as I only knew how it looked. What do you think? What could be other historical influences on such structured and sharp shoulders? Or is it a more contemporery fashion influence?

  10. I hate how every time something to do with Dorne comes up, people have to mention how much the Sand Snakes sucked. Its done. Get over it. And Myrcella is a sweet, innocent person who actually had some subtle sass. The vacant look suited her. Pity she is dead.

    My opinion: I didn't like that they didn't get to have Doran make that awesome Targaryen speech. Perhaps they just wanted to piggyback on Oberyn's awesomeness or rush through details, show Dorne made the father and son look a bit like Tommen, which is not Dornish at all. If only they added that little bit there, it would have changed the look of the Dorne plot a whole lot despite the notable absence of Arianne Martell.

    But I liked the Dornish costumes the best in the show, second to Dany's black costumes Season 5 onwards. Perhaps it is because I am Indian or perhaps simply because I can compartmentalize things but I loved the outfits. The only bit that bugged me a bit was the yellow armour in Dornish heat. It seemed alright in King's Landing. I prefer lightweight leathers like Oberyn's much more.

  11. Thank you so much for your videos…I never really noticed all the details on the costumes, especially not the beautiful embroidery. So thank you for opening my eyes, I will definitely pay more attention to details while watching the show 🙂

  12. Wow, Selyse's Baratheon Stag ring would catch on EVERYTHING! Would drive me nuts!!!
    Shireen's Jacket – that you described as having a subtle texture – is, I'm pretty sure, a knitted felt. I think it's a cable-knit, about 6-ply, then lightly felted (maybe medium felt, definitely not a heavy felting, as that would be really stiff).
    Have a look at it close up, I'd be interested in what you think.
    Dany's chain is glorious, to me it looks like tail vertebrae (vertebrae without facet joints). Additionally, the dragon pin that holds it up looks very much like the three-headed dragon pins she wore in the first series (on the 'viewing dress', and the wedding dress).
    Note about Dany's costumes – might be an idea to include 'Targaryen' in the video title…
    Interestingly – what you call 'sunburst' pleating, in Australia, is called 'Sunray pleating'. Also, if anyone in Australia needs pleating, Specialty Pleaters in Melbourne have been around forever and are really good (
    Also, what you call 'Dupioni' silk, here, is called 'Dupion' (no 'i' on the end)!
    Oberyn Martell's coat is amazing – although when I first saw it I thought it looked a bit like a silk bathrobe! I am wondering whether the embroidered sigils are hand embroidered or machine? I think they look machine-done, but wondered what you thought?
    The cross-armour on the sand-snakes is interesting – I wonder whether it's worn in lieu of a bra, since wearing a bra in those see-through dresses would be unflattering. I wonder whether Ayine (sp?) and her Mum have the cross-armour because they are bigger-busted than the other girls and need it?
    One thing I noticed with Myrcella, which has annoyed me with other characters before is that the hairdressers seem to brush this incredibly long hair over amazing embroidery!!! There's literally MONTHS of embroidery and they cover it with 'I just undid my plaits' hair!!!! OMG!!!
    The padded leather armour for Dorne would have been so damned hot in the Croatian sun – I don't know how they stood it! Wow, those costumes must have stunk to high heaven by the end of a few days shooting!!!
    That's it for my comments for this vid!! lol

  13. Does anyone role you you are awesome? I always liked looking at the costumes in GoT, but your vid arę just mesmerising and my view of this little pieces of clothes is totally new. Keep it going! You got yoursef a new subscriber

  14. I loved everything Oberyn wore but I was far less fond of Ellaria's costumes. The spiky shoulders just didn't do it for me and I thought that dress she wore for the purple wedding was awful. She's a Sand but she's also the daughter of a Dornish lord. She wouldn't show up so bare-chested like that to a Westeros event. And, why cover the actress' beautiful hair with that Joan of Arc-looking headdress? Meanwhile, I didn't mind the gowns of the Tarly's. I mean, when the ill-fitting aspects are pointed out, I can see them now, but I didn't think anything of them, at the time. I was more impressed with how Sam's mother and sister stayed such warm people when they had to live with the brute that is Sam's father.

  15. I agree with you, I am also disappointed on how the way Dorne is portrayed in the show. They have such an amazing role in the books, and Arianne is a POV character. I guess the show is just biased.

  16. My god you do a lot of research. Super impressive. Why were people disappointed about the Dorne story line? I haven't read the books, so maybe I'm missing something?

    Can you put the quotes up on screen by any chance? Sometimes I can't tell when the quote ends and it's your opinion? Otherwise perfection!

  17. I find it extremely disturbing that they 1) use real fur and 2) use so insanely much of it. The costume designer said she "tried" fake fur but it just didn't look right…. I'm sorry, but it's a freaking TV show. It is not worth thousands (yes, apparently 40,000 per season) of animal lives just to make some costumes for a TV show look SLIGHTLY more realistic on some people's HDTVs.

  18. a channel with +20min videos about costumes, heaven is real

    also it's probably no coincidence that they chose the german burgonet as inspiration for the baratheon soldiers, as i read that the stormlands are fashioned after germany – i don't know if it's true though, i got that from a map floating around somewhere that assigns real countries to westeros

  19. I think the Tarly costumes might have been intentionally awful, in order to emphasize that the head of the house is a domineering, misogynistic jerk. All of his attention is on his son and on manly pursuits, so I think the ladies of the house might have a hard time of getting money from him for proper and nice fabrics befitting of their stations so maybe they have to improvise sometimes (maybe using leftover materials from curtains and bedspreads, because it's either fabric for those or for dresses, but not both), for hiring seamstresses so they have to make their own gowns, and maybe Talla's gown was ill fitting, because she is still growing and she just doesn't have enough clothes to accommodate it (she might make a gown intentionally bigger, so she can wear it for a longer time). Really, you can read so much into this. 🙂

  20. Actually, Sandsnakes armors aren't practical at all, unless they're looking for sun burns. Same problem with Dothraki costumes, especially on pale-skinned Dany.

  21. Dorne is my absolute favorite place in westeros and I love house Martell. I am so in love with their outfits except for some armours abviously. Tristane and Doran look absolutely amazing in their costumes and like all fans I'm super pissed at d&d on how the dornish are portrayed.. Fantastic video btw. keep up the good work!


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